From the Tropics to Your Table: Amazing Mango Benefits You Can’t Resist

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From the Tropics to Your Table: Amazing Mango Benefits You Can’t Resist

Discover more about mango benefits

Sink your teeth into a juicy, delicious mango. People from all over the world and throughout history have enjoyed this tantalizing tropical fruit. Mangoes don’t just taste delicious, they’re jam packed with nutrients that boost your immune system, improve digestion, and can even reduce your risk of chronic diseases.

This super sweet and succulent fruit is something that you don’t want to miss out on in your diet. Now, let’s explore the benefits of mango.

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What is a Mango?

You’re not gonna believe this, but mangoes belong to the same family as cashews and pistachios. Crazy, right? While mangoes come in a variety of sizes and colors (small and green to large and golden-yellow), their distinctive shape and flat, oval-shaped pit in the center stays the same.

Where did the mango come from? It originated in the Indian subcontinent some 4,000 years ago. And even though it originated there, its popularity has seen it shipped everywhere and grown all over the world in places like Southeast Asia, the Americas, and Africa. However, one country dominates its production and that’s India. It’s the largest producer of mangoes and grows over 1500 different varieties.

Different types of mangoes have their own unique characteristics like size, color, shape, and flavor. Kinds like Alphonso, Ataulfo, Haden, Keitt, and Tommy Atkins.

Read more about mango benefits


Variations of Mangoes

Did you know there is over 1,000 varieties of mangoes found around the world?

Let’s talk about some of the most popular types of mangoes and their unique features:

    • Alphonso: It’s considered by many to be “the king of mangoes”. Alphonso mangoes are a premium variety from India that are known for their sweet, creamy flesh and rich, fruity flavor.
    • Ataulfo: AKA The honey mango. Ataulfo mangoes are small, golden-yellow mangoes with a sweet, buttery flavor and a smooth texture.
    • Haden: This one is the most popular in the United States. Haden mangoes have bright red and green skin with sweet, juicy flesh. Now you can impress your friends and tell them what kind of mango you’re eating.
    • Keitt: A large, green mango. Keitt mangoes are a popular in the Caribbean and Florida.
    • Tommy Atkins: Typically found in grocery stores. Tommy Atkins mangoes have red and green skin and a sweet, slightly tart flavor.

There’s so many others we could mention like the Kesar mango from India, the Palmer mango from Florida, and the Kent mango from Mexico, but let’s move along. With so many options, it’s safe to say there is a mango out there for everyone!

Mangoes in Culture

To some, mangoes symbolize love and prosperity. To others, a spiritual and religious symbol. Mangoes have played a significant role in the many cultures and traditions.

Take India for example, where mangoes are believed to have originated. As the “king of fruits”, mangoes are highly revered. Mangoes are often given as gifts during festivals and celebrations. And they’re even used in traditional dishes such as chutneys, pickles, and desserts.

In Thailand, mangoes are used in a variety of sweet and savory dishes. They even hav a festival dedicated to mangoes, called the “Mango Festival,” which promotes local agriculture.

In Mexico, mangoes are used in salsas and ceviches. They also have a mango festival called the “Todos Santos Mango Festival,” which celebrates their importance in Mexican culture.

In many African countries, mangoes are used in traditional medicine to treat certain ailments. Mangoes are believed to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties and some people use them to soothe an upset stomach or aid digestion.

For many centuries, humans worldwide have enjoyed and even celebrated mangoes!

Mango Benefits

First off, mangoes taste amazing, but they also offer a range of health benefits. Let’s talk about some major mango benefits:

    1. Rich in Bioavailable Nutrients: Essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin A, folate, and potassium.
    2. Boosts Immunity: They are high in vitamin C to help support a healthy immune system.
    3. Improves Digestion: Mangoes contain digestive enzymes that help break down protein and aid in digestion.
    4. Lowers Cholesterol: Mangoes are rich in fiber, which helps lower bad cholesterol levels in the body.
    5. Reduces the Risk of Cancer: Mangoes contain antioxidants such as quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, and gallic acid.
    6. Promotes Eye Health: Mangoes are rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, which are essential for good vision and may help prevent age-related macular degeneration.
    7. Improves Skin Health: The high vitamin C content in mangoes helps promote collagen production, which is essential for healthy skin.
    8. Helps Regulate Blood Sugar: The fiber and natural sugars in mangoes help regulate blood sugar levels.
    9. Reduces Inflammation: The antioxidants in mangoes help reduce inflammation in the body and may help alleviate symptoms of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis.
    10. Aids in Weight Loss: Even though mangoes are low in calories, eating them promote feelings of fullness and aid in weight loss.

Here is a look at some mango benefits.

Disclaimer About Mango Skin

Don’t eat the skin. Please. Some people are allergic to the resin in mango skin, especially those with a sensitivity to poison ivy or poison oak. It can cause a red, itchy rash or blisters on the skin. They are super uncomfortable and unsightly.

It’s recommended to wear gloves, use a paper towel , or wash it with soap and water when peeling a mango to avoid potential irritants on the skin.

When you’re cutting a mango, remove the skin completely and discard it before eating the juicy mango. While it may be tempting to eat the skin, especially if it looks clean and smooth, it’s not worth the risk of an allergic reaction or skin irritation.

By taking a few simple precautions, you can safely enjoy the sweet and juicy flesh of a ripe mango and mango benefits without any discomfort or irritation.

When Are Mangoes in Season?

Mangoes are a fruit for all seasons. Mangoes can be found in markets and grocery stores throughout the year. However, the peak mango season varies depending on the location and climate.

In tropical regions such as India and Southeast Asia, mangoes are typically harvested in the summer months between May and September. This is the time of year when mangoes are at their most abundant and can be found in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and flavors. From the juicy Alphonso mangoes of India to the sweet Ataulfo mangoes of Mexico, there is no shortage of delicious options to choose from.

In other parts of the world, mango season may be different. In the United States, for example, the peak mango season typically runs from April to August, with the largest supplies coming from Florida, California, and Hawaii. During this time, mangoes are often sold in large quantities and can be found in grocery stores, farmers’ markets, and even on roadside fruit stands.

Of course, with the rise of global trade and transportation, mangoes are now available year-round in many parts of the world. While the taste and quality of out-of-season mangoes may not be quite as good as those in peak season, they can still be a delicious and nutritious addition to any meal.

How to Choose a Mango

Choosing a ripe and juicy mango can be difficult. Here are some tips to help you select the perfect mango:

    • Look for color: A ripe mango will typically have a bright, vibrant color with no green spots. A ripe mango can be yellow, orange, or red but it depends on the type of mango.
    • Check for firmness: Not too soft. Not too hard. A ripe mango should give slightly when you gently press it.
    • Smell the mango: Smell at the stem end and it should have a sweet, fruity aroma if it’s ripe.
    • Consider the weight: You want it full of juice so it should feel heavy for its size.
    • Avoid bruises or cuts: Obvious tip here but avoid mangoes with any cuts or bruises.

Here are some common mistakes to avoid while selecting mangoes:

    • Don’t focus solely on color: Even though we told you to focus on it, it’s not always a reliable method. It’s important to consider other factors like firmness and smell as well.
    • Don’t pick mangoes that are too hard: If they’re really hard, you’re going to put it in your kitchen to ripen and then forget about it. So just don’t get one that’s really hard.
    • Don’t pick mangoes that are too soft: Overripe mangoes aren’t very good and have a stringy texture.

If you follow these tips and avoid the common mistakes, you can choose the perfect mango every time!

How to choose a mango for mango benefits

Ways to Prepare Mangoes

There’s a million ways to prepare mangoes, so here are some popular ways to enjoy mangoes:

    • Cutting a mango: Stand it on its end and slice off the cheeks on either side of the pit. Then, score the flesh in a criss-cross pattern. Just be careful not to cut through the skin. Use a spoon to scoop out the diced mango pieces.
    • Smoothies: Mango smoothies are a popular and healthy way to enjoy this delicious fruit. We love them, obviously!
    • Salads: Mangoes add a sweet and tangy flavor to salads. Try adding diced mango to a spinach and quinoa salad with a citrus dressing.
    • Acai Bowls: Organic mango is a tasty addition to a tropical acai bowl.
    • Chutneys: Mango chutney is a popular condiment in Indian cuisine. Combine diced mango, onion, ginger, garlic, vinegar, and spices in a saucepan and cook until thickened.
    • Desserts: Mangoes go well with desserts such as fruit tarts, sorbets, and even cheesecake.
    • As far as storing them, mangoes can be stored at room temperature until ripe and then refrigerated for up to 5 days.

Indulge in the Goodness of Mango Benefits with Clean Juice

From their rich cultural history to their unique flavor and nutritional benefits, mangoes have something to offer everyone.

Indulge in the goodness of mango with Clean Juice, where every recipe is crafted with the freshest ingredients at peak ripeness. If you’re a smoothie fan, we have you covered with our new Mangoes ‘N Cream One, blended with organic Mango, Banana, Cinnamon, Turmeric, Vanilla, Honey & Almond Milk. Acai bowls more your speed? Not to worry–our Be Happy Bowl is made with organic Mango, Almond Milk, Banana, Pineapple, And Coconut Oil topped with Granola, Pineapple, Mango and Coconut Chips! This is sure to satisfy your craving.

With Clean Juice, healthy living is made easy and enjoyable, so order now to treat your taste buds to a deliciously nutritious experience.





Disclaimer: The information presented here is for educational purposes only and is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. Consult your doctor before using any health treatment, including natural remedies, and tell your doctor if you have a serious medical condition or are taking any medications.

If you’re unsure whether mangoes would be a healthy addition to your wellness routine, ask your doctor if any of your health details might make mangoes unsafe for you.

Hit The Reset Button On Your Nutrition: The Power of Organic Juice Cleanses

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Hit The Reset Button On Your Nutrition: The Power of Organic Juice Cleanses

Discover more about the benefits of a juice cleanse

Have you ever considered giving your body a fresh start? A nutritional cleanse is a powerful way to do just that. By providing your body with concentrated nutrients and minimizing exposure to toxins, you can give your digestive system a break and support its natural ability to detoxify.

Nutritional cleansing can also help jumpstart weight loss, lead to clearer skin, increase mental clarity, encourage emotional release, improve sleep, reduce bloating and inflammation, boost the immune system, and increase energy. However, as with any new health regimen, it’s important to approach nutritional cleansing with caution and educate yourself on the potential risks and rewards.

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what nutritional cleansing is, the different types available, how to prepare for a cleanse, and precautions to consider. Let’s dive in and discover the transformative power of cleansing!

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What are the Different Types of Nutritional Cleansing?

There are many ways to approach cleansing, with a variety of different methods to choose from. Here are four of the most common types of nutritional cleansing:

The Juice Cleanse: This type of cleanse involves consuming only fresh, nutrient-dense juices made from fruits and vegetables for a set period of time. Juice cleanses are a popular choice for those looking to quickly detoxify and lose weight.

The Smoothie Cleanse: Similar to a juice cleanse, this method involves consuming only smoothies made with whole fruits and vegetables. Smoothie cleanses are a great option for those who prefer a thicker, more filling texture.

The Water Cleanse: As the name suggests, this type of cleanse involves drinking only water for a set period of time. While this method can be effective for a short-term cleanse, it’s important to ensure that you’re getting enough electrolytes and nutrients to avoid dehydration and nutrient deficiencies.

The Fasting Cleanse: Fasting cleanses involve abstaining from food for a set period of time, often 24-48 hours or longer. Fasting has been practiced for centuries for spiritual and health reasons and can lead to a variety of benefits, including improved insulin sensitivity, reduced inflammation, and enhanced cognitive function. However, fasting should only be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional, as it can be dangerous for certain individuals.

Each of these cleansing methods has its own unique benefits and drawbacks, and it’s important to choose the right one for your individual needs and goals.

It's important to stay hydrated during a juice cleanse.

The Benefits of Nutritional Cleansing

When it comes to nutritional cleansing, the potential benefits go far beyond just physical health. Here are just a few of the ways that cleansing can positively impact your mind, body, and spirit:

Physical Benefits: Cleansing can help you shed excess weight, improve digestion, and even clear up skin issues. By reducing your exposure to processed foods and toxins, you’re allowing your body to rest, reset, and rejuvenate.

Mental Benefits: Cleansing can also provide a much-needed break for your mind. By focusing on nourishing your body with whole, nutrient-rich foods, you may find that your stress levels decrease, your focus improves, and your mood is elevated. Cleansing can also help you break unhealthy eating patterns and develop a healthier relationship with food.

Spiritual Benefits: While the idea of spiritual benefits may sound new-agey, many people report feeling a sense of increased clarity, emotional release, and improved intuition during and after a cleanse. By focusing on your body’s needs and tuning into your inner self, you may find that you’re better able to connect with your spirituality and gain a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Of course, everyone’s experience with cleansing will be different, and it’s important to approach any new health regimen with caution and guidance from a professional. However, by opening yourself up to the potential benefits of nutritional cleansing, you may just find yourself feeling more vibrant, energized, and alive than ever before.

How to Prepare for a Nutritional Cleanse

So, you’re ready to take the plunge and embark on a cleanse. But before you jump right in, it’s important to prepare your body and mind for the journey ahead. Here are a few tips for getting started:

Pre-Cleanse Diet: Depending on the type of cleanse you choose, it may be helpful to prepare your body by slowly eliminating certain foods, such as dairy, meat, and alcohol, from your diet in the days leading up to your cleanse. This can help minimize detox symptoms and make the transition into the cleanse easier on your body.

Choosing the Right Type of Cleanse: As we mentioned earlier, there are many different types of nutritional cleansing to choose from. It’s important to choose the one that’s right for your individual needs and goals, taking into account factors like your health history, lifestyle, and personal preferences. Start with your “why,” or goal statement for why you want to cleanse, and the choice of which type of cleanse will become clear.

Setting Realistic Expectations: Cleansing can be a powerful tool for improving your health and well-being, but it’s not a magic bullet. It’s important to set realistic expectations for what you can achieve through a cleanse and to approach the process with a sense of curiosity and openness rather than an expectation of immediate results.

By taking these steps to prepare for your cleanse, you’ll be setting yourself up for success and maximizing the benefits of the process. Remember, cleansing is a journey, not a destination, and by embracing the process with an open mind and a willingness to learn, you may just find yourself feeling better than ever before.

What to Expect During a Nutritional Cleanse

You’ve decided to try a nutritional cleanse – kudos to you! Now, it’s important to prepare yourself for what to expect during the process.

First, it’s possible to experience side effects like headaches, fatigue, dizziness, and nausea during a cleanse. These symptoms are normal and may indicate that your body is releasing toxins and adjusting to a new way of eating.

Staying hydrated is crucial during a cleanse. Drinking plenty of water and herbal teas can help flush toxins from your body and minimize detox symptoms.

Managing hunger is also important during a cleanse. Small, frequent meals throughout the day, focusing on nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins can help minimize feelings of hunger. Distraction techniques like meditation, yoga, or light exercise may also be helpful.

Remember, everyone’s experience with a cleanse will be different. The journey may be challenging at times, but by approaching the process with an open mind and a willingness to learn, you may just find yourself feeling healthier and happier than ever before.

Breaking the Fast

Congratulations on completing your cleanse! Now it’s time to slowly reintroduce food to your diet and ease your body back into its normal routine.

Reintroducing food gradually is crucial after a period of restricted eating. Start with simple, easy-to-digest foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, and gradually add in more complex foods like grains and dairy.

It’s important to remember that the habits you’ve developed during the cleanse should continue post-cleanse. Drinking plenty of water, eating nutrient-dense foods, and avoiding processed and sugary foods are all crucial to maintaining the benefits you’ve gained from the cleanse.

Breaking the fast is just as important as the cleanse itself. By taking the time to reintroduce food slowly and continuing to prioritize healthy habits, you’ll be setting yourself up for long-term success and optimal health.

Cleanse Your Body with Clean Juice

A great cleanse has the power to revitalize your energy levels and enhance your overall quality of life. At Clean Juice, we offer a range of USDA-certified organic juices tailored to meet specific needs. Our juices are made with fresh, organic ingredients, and provide the equivalent of 5-7 pounds of produce in one day. They are highly effective in resetting your body through a detox.

Our specialized plans cater to a range of goals, whether you’re a beginner seeking to try a cleanse, boost your immune system, or increase your energy levels. All our cleanse programs are safe, healthy, and easy to follow, ensuring you stay on track with confidence. Check out our Cleanse Club today!


Disclaimer: The information presented here is for educational purposes only and is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. Consult your doctor before using any health treatment, including natural remedies, and tell your doctor if you have a serious medical condition or are taking any medications. 

If you’re unsure whether a cleanse would be a healthy choice for you, ask your doctor.

Dairy Alternatives Showdown: Almond Milk and Cashew Milk vs. Dairy Milk

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Dairy Alternatives Showdown: Almond Milk and Cashew Milk vs. Dairy Milk

a cow that produces dairy milk

Milk tends to show up in nearly every diet. From breakfast cereal to coffee to main course and dessert recipes, there are so many different uses for milk. 

While cow’s milk has been the standard milk product for many generations, an increasing number of people don’t include it in their diets. Whether you’re lactose intolerant or choose to eat a plant-based diet for health or ethical reasons, you may opt for a milk alternative over traditional cow’s milk. 

Before you choose between dairy milk and alternatives like almond milk or cashew milk, it’s important to educate yourself on the differences between these options and which might work better for your preferences and goals. 

Take a closer look at dairy milk and milk alternatives so that you can make an informed decision the next time you visit your favorite grocery store, coffee shop, or juice bar.

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Dairy Milk: History, Uses, Taste, and Nutrition

variety of milks including almond milk

The primary type of dairy milk consumed by residents of the U.S. and many other countries is cow’s milk, which cows produce naturally to feed their calves. Other types of animal milk, such as goat milk, are also popular in certain parts of the world, but cow’s milk is far more accessible and affordable in the U.S.

Humans first started drinking cow’s milk and turning it into other products like cheese, butter, and yogurt as early as 8,000 BCE. 

While milk and other dairy products were originally only available from farmers, the invention of home refrigeration, along with the development of large-scale dairy production, made dairy products more accessible to people around the globe. 

Over the past several generations, pasteurization techniques have evolved to ensure that milk is safe to drink. This beverage can be used in recipes, mixed in smoothies or other beverages, or simply enjoyed on its own. 

Milk with a higher fat content tends to have a creamier, richer taste, while low-fat milk is thinner and closer to the consistency of water while still having a slightly sweet flavor.   

Serving sizes of milk can vary, and the nutritional content of milk depends on the fat content of the milk. Whole milk is the standard in many places. One cup of whole milk has about 150 calories, 8 grams of protein, 8 grams of fat, and 12 grams of carbohydrates. It is also a good source of several vitamins and minerals.

Milk Alternatives: History, Uses, Taste, Nutrition

Though milk alternatives are now rising in popularity, nondairy milk is not a new concept. In fact, early versions of soy milk were present in the Chinese diet as early as the 1300s, and almond milk has been made in the Middle East since the 1200s. 

Multiple types of milk alternatives offer different flavor profiles and nutritional values. Various production methods are used to create alternative dairy-free milk, depending on the main ingredient. Food coloring, sweeteners, or thickening agents may be added to emulate the taste, texture, and appearance of dairy milk. 

Some of the most common milk alternatives used today are almond milk, cashew milk, soy milk, oat milk, and coconut milk, although many more are available at health food stores and some major grocers. 

Nondairy milk can be used in many of the same ways that dairy milk can. This alternative is often consumed by lactose-intolerant people, vegans, or those who simply prefer the taste or nutritional profile of alternative milk products. 

Many nondairy milk companies offer versions of their product with or without added sweeteners. This variety allows you to make a choice depending on your preference. 

While milk alternatives with added sugar are likely to have a sweeter taste and thicker texture, unsweetened nondairy milks may still have a lightly sweet flavor and are closer in texture to low-fat or nonfat dairy milk.

Dairy vs. Nondairy: Compare and Contrast

Now that you understand a bit more about the history of milk and milk alternatives and what they can be used for, it’s important to know the specific benefits of each option before making decisions about your diet.

Take a closer look at the benefits and potential drawbacks of dairy milk and two of the most popular dairy alternatives: almond milk and cashew milk.

What Are the Benefits of Dairy Milk?

Dairy milk has been a mainstay in the standard American diet, as well as the diets of people in many cultures around the world, and for good reason. A serving of cow’s milk is rich in several vitamins and minerals, including calcium and B vitamins. There are a few more key benefits that dairy milk offers over alternatives.

Contains Complete Proteins

Since dairy milk is an animal product, it contains a specific combination of proteins and vitamins that make it a complete protein. This means that a serving of dairy milk can contribute more to your daily protein intake than most alternatives without supplementation, which helps keep you feeling full throughout your day.

Unique Creamy Texture

Though many dairy alternatives attempt to mimic the texture of milk or cream with added thickeners and sweeteners, all of the components of dairy milk combine to give it a thick, rich texture that mixes well with a variety of beverages and recipes. 

Some coffee lovers prefer dairy milk because its natural sugars and fat content allow it to create creamy and delicious lattes and cappuccinos that are typically thicker in consistency than drinks made with plant-based milk.

Cheaper and More Accessible

As dairy alternatives become more commonplace, it’s easier to find them in standard grocery stores around the world at reasonable price points. However, dairy milk is still more accessible than its alternatives and generally more affordable, especially when compared to milk alternatives made with more expensive ingredients.

Are There Any Drawbacks of Dairy Milk?

Consumers should be aware of a few downsides to dairy milk. Whole milk and other full-fat dairy products can easily cause a person to overconsume fats and calories if they aren’t careful with their portion sizing. 

Some people might try to avoid the high fat content found in whole milk by drinking low-fat or nonfat milk. However, these products are often high in sugar, which could lead to excessive carbohydrate consumption. 

There are also many people who have difficulty digesting lactose, which is the primary sugar found in dairy milk. This can lead to symptoms such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

Additionally, environmentally conscious consumers should be aware that the production of dairy milk uses more resources than the vast majority of milk alternatives, including almond milk and cashew milk.

What Are the Benefits of Almond Milk?

almond milk

People who avoid dairy for dietary or ethical reasons have likely tried almond milk, as it is one of the most common dairy alternatives. Even if you regularly drink almond milk, you may not be aware of the specific benefits and drawbacks of this product.

Lower Calorie

In general, almond milk products are lower in calories than dairy milk. However, this is only true for unsweetened almond milk, as sweetened varieties can rival the calorie counts of dairy milk per serving.

Healthier Source of Fats

Dairy milk is a great source of healthy fats, but it also naturally contains saturated fats that could contribute to high cholesterol, heart issues, or weight management problems. Almond milk provides healthy amounts of unsaturated fats, which help keep your body healthy without overloading it with fat. It’s a good addition to an acai bowl, like our peanut butter bowl for example, as it balances the proteins and fats found in peanut butter.

Perfect for Vegan or Dairy-Free Diets

As a dairy-free or vegan eater, any nutritional and textural benefits of dairy milk are irrelevant if you simply can’t consume it. That’s why almond milk, or a smoothie with almond milk, is a great choice for people who can’t or choose not to consume milk, as well as people who can drink milk but want to try an alternative option. 

Additionally, if you eat a plant-based diet due to your ethics and beliefs, you can feel good consuming almond milk, knowing that its production is generally better for the earth than dairy milk.

Are There Any Drawbacks of Almond Milk?

Almond milk tends to be more expensive than dairy milk, especially if you purchase branded products. Also, many almond milks contain thickening agents and sweeteners that can be linked to gastrointestinal issues.

Additionally, the differences in ingredients between almond milk and dairy milk can create unexpected reactions when baking or cooking, so almond milk is not a perfect substitute for dairy milk in some recipes.

Since almond milk is made from almonds, it’s not a suitable option for people with almond allergies. Other types of milk, such as cashew milk or oat milk, can be an alternative.

What Are the Benefits of Cashew Milk

cashew milk

Cashew milk is another dairy milk alternative that offers distinct benefits for consumers. Though other dairy alternatives like almond milk and soy milk have historically been more popular options, cashew milk’s popularity is on the rise, and it is becoming more accessible throughout the world.

Similar Texture to Dairy

One of the biggest downsides to milk alternatives is the fact that nondairy milk simply doesn’t have the same naturally creamy texture as dairy milk. However, since cashew nuts are higher in fat than many of the other ingredients used to create dairy alternatives, cashew milk is one of the creamiest nondairy milk options on the market today–one of the many reasons it works so well in our Cashew Milk Latte (a creamy organic version of coffee.)

Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

Though cashew milk isn’t naturally rich in protein and calcium like cow’s milk, it does contain high levels of unsaturated fats as well as minerals like magnesium and iron. Also, many cashew milk products are fortified with additional nutrients to make this milk a healthy and nutritious alternative to dairy.

Perfect Almond Milk Alternative for Vegan or Dairy-Free Diets

What if you follow a nondairy or vegan diet but aren’t a fan of the taste or texture of almond milk? Though almond milk is one of the most common plant-based milks, cashew milk provides a creamy, tasty alternative for those who don’t enjoy the texture of almond milk in their coffee, smoothies, or cereal.

Are There Any Drawbacks of Cashew Milk?

One of the primary drawbacks of cashew milk is that this product is still rising in popularity, which means it may not be readily available in some grocery stores, coffee shops, or smoothie and juice bars

Like almond milk and other alternatives, a typical carton of cashew milk is likely more expensive than a carton of cow’s milk of the same size. Additionally, many cashew milk producers use the same types of thickening agents that almond milk producers do, which can cause gut health issues in some consumers.

As is the case with almond milk, since cashew milk is made from cashew nuts, it is not suitable for people with nut allergies. Individuals with nut allergies may need to avoid cashew milk and other nut milk alternatives.

Dairy vs. Alternative Milks: The Bottom Line

almond milk

So which type of milk should you choose to enjoy in your morning coffee, smoothie, or acai bowl? There are many benefits of including dairy milk, almond milk, or cashew milk in your diet, and each type of milk product has a few specific drawbacks that may make you consider an alternative. 

Here’s the bottom line: You should choose a type of milk based on your personal preference while also keeping any dietary restrictions in mind. 

Dairy alternatives are all the rage today, but that doesn’t mean you have to swear off cow’s milk if you enjoy the taste and your body is able to digest it. 

Alternatively, if you prefer plant-based foods for ethical reasons, you shouldn’t feel pressured to drink cow’s milk just because it’s more common. 

Make the choice that works best for you, and keep in mind that all three milk products can be enjoyed in your diet if you prefer!

Boost Your Health Deliciously with Clean Juice

Whatever your milk preference might be, it’s important to keep good health, happiness, and longevity at the forefront of your choices. As you embark on your journey to a healthier diet, make sure you’re buying products that are just as good for your body as they are tasty and satisfying. 

With fresh pressed juices, smoothies, acai bowls, sandwiches, and more from Clean Juice, you’ll never have to sacrifice taste for health again. Enjoy all of your favorite fresh and delicious flavors while maintaining a healthy diet with ease. 

We are one of the only places that cold-presses cashew milk! Grab a delicious bottle from our coolers today.

You can get all of your favorite Clean Juice meals delivered right to your door for added convenience and ease. Contact Clean Juice and start your order today!



Disclaimer: The information presented here is for educational purposes only and is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. Consult your doctor before using any health treatment, including natural remedies, and tell your doctor if you have a serious medical condition or are taking any medications. 

If you’re unsure whether dairy milk or milk alternatives would be a healthy addition to your wellness routine, ask your doctor.

How Coconut Water Benefits Sweeten and Strengthen Your Life

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How Coconut Water Benefits Sweeten and Strengthen Your Life

There are so many ways to boost your health and support your body’s functionality while still enjoying the flavors and textures you love. Have you been looking for healthy foods and beverages to add to your diet? Coconut water is a great example of a healthy, nutritious drink with a scrumptious taste that makes it easy to enjoy.

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What Is Coconut Water?

Coconut water is the clear liquid found in the center of coconuts. It is not the same thing as coconut milk. While coconut milk comes from the same fruit, it is made by grating and straining the pulp of the coconut. Coconut milk is white and creamy, but coconut water is almost clear and has a consistency similar to water.

How is coconut water collected? It is usually harvested from coconuts a few months before they reach their full ripeness. Full ripeness happens roughly one year from when coconuts begin to grow, so the best coconut water tends to come from coconuts that are between six and seven months old.

Coconut Water: Where It Comes From, What It Tastes Like, and How to Use It

coconut water benefits

Since coconut water comes from inside coconuts, the freshest coconut water will only be available where coconut palms grow. These areas tend to be in tropical climates, including many parts of Asia and the Pacific Islands.

Coconuts grow naturally in only two areas within the United States: Florida and Hawaii. If you live in either of these states, you could enjoy coconut water straight from the coconut itself!
If you don’t live near any coconut palms, the easiest way to get coconut water is in a can or carton at your favorite grocery store. Most establishments that carry coconut water offer a few different brands, which gives you a choice between products that are sourced from different places or have different types of flavor additives.

Another way to enjoy coconut water is by purchasing the product freeze-dried. This method allows the flavor and nutritional value of coconut water to be optimally preserved as it travels from its place of origin to stores around the world.

What Is the Flavor of Coconut Water Like?

The consistency of coconut water is very similar to water, though some would describe it as slightly thicker. Unlike regular water, coconut water has a natural sweetness, which makes it enjoyable to drink on its own or with other flavors. Most people who regularly drink coconut water describe it as more refreshing than water alone.

How Can You Consume Coconut Water?

Thanks to its delicately sweet flavor and smooth consistency, coconut water is easy to consume on its own or as your drink of choice along with your favorite meal. These same features make it easy to combine coconut water with other beverages into a blended juice

Coconut water also makes a great addition to a fruit smoothie or protein shake. In fact, you can replace the water or milk you would normally use for your smoothie or shake with this healthy beverage to reap all of the best coconut water benefits without switching up your eating and drinking routine.

Best Superfoods to Pair With Coconut Water Benefits

Are you wondering what other foods might go best with coconut water to boost your health? 

Coconut water is easy to add to any other healthy juice, such as beet juice or celery juice. In fact, you might find that the sweet taste of coconut water makes these somewhat bitter juices more appealing and easier to enjoy. 

Another popular superfood that packs a huge health punch is acai, a deep purple South American berry that is often pureed to enjoy in a bowl with toppings. 

You can make acai bowls at home by adding frozen acai paste and water to a blender. Try replacing regular water with coconut water for added refreshment, more nutrients, and an even sweeter and more satisfying taste. 

If you like to make smoothies at home, adding coconut water to standard smoothie ingredients like berries, bananas, kale, and spinach will make for a delicious and nutritious snack. 

You can upgrade your smoothie even more by adding other superfoods like spirulina powder or chia seeds. Spirulina and chia seeds can add more protein, antioxidants, and fiber to your smoothie, among many other useful health benefits.

Are There Any Side Effects of Drinking Coconut Water?

coconut water benefits

Coconut water is considered to be safe for the general population to consume. However, it contains a moderate amount of carbohydrates and is high in electrolytes like potassium and sodium. Anyone limiting their carbohydrate, potassium, or sodium intake should speak with their doctor before including coconut water in their regular diet.

If you track your sodium intake, you may find that drinking coconut water regularly takes up a significant percentage of your recommended daily sodium. However, that doesn’t mean coconut water is unsafe to consume if you’d like to include it in a given day’s intake; just make sure to monitor your overall sodium consumption.

Who Should Avoid Coconut Water?

Coconut water is high in potassium and sodium, which means that those with chronic kidney conditions should avoid it. The drink likely won’t cause significant problems if consumed in small quantities, but if you have any history of kidney disease, you should ask your doctor whether coconut water is safe to include in your regular routine. 

Because coconut water is high in sodium, those with high blood pressure might find that its sodium content interferes with their condition. If you have blood pressure concerns, speak with your doctor before drinking coconut water regularly. 

Babies under 12 months old should not drink coconut water or any other juice blends, and pregnant women should consult with their doctor before adding coconut water to their routine based on their current health status and pregnancy symptoms.

Top Coconut Water Benefits for Health

There are so many coconut water benefits that it can be difficult to list them all. In fact, if you introduce coconut water into your daily routine, you may even experience coconut water benefits beyond the ones listed here! 

Take a look at some of the most common coconut water benefits for your health that you could experience by including this superfood in your routine.

Healthy, Lower Calorie Way to Boost Hydration

Everyone knows that water is the lowest-calorie way to keep your body hydrated. However, if you’re an active person who needs a little extra help to maintain good hydration levels, it’s better to include coconut water in your diet than high-calorie, high-sugar beverages like Gatorade or Powerade. 

Coconut water contains only around 60 calories per serving, and the naturally occurring electrolytes help to boost hydration without the added sugar or chemicals that common sports drinks contain.

Great Source of Antioxidants

One of the best coconut water benefits is its high level of antioxidants per serving. Antioxidants are naturally occurring compounds found within the body and within many health foods that help fight free radicals. Free radicals are harmful atoms found in your body that can cause a wide range of internal issues, from inflammation to disease. 

The more antioxidants you can include in your diet, the better your body will be able to prevent harmful oxidation processes within your body that cause a variety of issues. You should know that the freshness of coconut water has an effect on antioxidant content: Fresher coconut water will have higher levels of antioxidants.

Aids the Digestive System

Coconut water contains high levels of magnesium, an essential mineral that plays many roles in the body but primarily aids in healthy digestion. Drinking coconut water regularly could help your digestive system function properly, prevent bloating, and support a healthy gut biome.

Supports a Healthy Immune System

A strong immune system is vital, as you rely on your immune system for its ability to prevent disease and keep you healthy. Coconut water benefits the immune system with its high levels of lauric acid. This naturally occurring acid has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. 

Due to its high levels of lauric acid, coconut water can help remove harmful bacteria from the body. These bacteria can cause unpleasant conditions like UTIs and gum disease when left unchecked. 

The lauric acid in coconut water can also help fight off viruses, including those that cause common colds, the flu, and other communicable diseases.

High Levels of Vitamins, Minerals, and Electrolytes

Coconut water is packed with a huge variety of vitamins and minerals, including electrolytes that support elevated hydration levels. 

Every serving of coconut water benefits your body with five key electrolytes: magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, and phosphorus. Additionally, coconut water is a great source of vitamin C. This vitamin has many healthful properties, such as strengthening your immune system

Supports Kidney Function

According to a recent study conducted on rats experiencing kidney stones, coconut water may play a key role in preventing crystallization within the kidneys and keeping the urinary tract clear. Though more evidence is needed, this study is very promising in terms of coconut water benefits for kidney function.

Prevents Acne and Improves Skin Appearance

coconut water benefits

The many coconut water benefits extend past your internal health and can even improve your skin’s external health and appearance. This healthy drink is known to help prevent the formation of acne by reducing the excess oils on the skin that can cause breakouts. 

Coconut water also contains anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties, which help to prevent the skin from becoming inflamed and developing acne

Helps with Hangover Symptoms

One of the primary coconut water benefits is its ability to boost hydration significantly with a single serving. You might find yourself in need of increased hydration in many situations, such as the day after a few drinks when you’re feeling hungover. Coconut water can help alleviate many hangover symptoms without making you feel nauseated.

Where Can You Find Coconut Water Near You

These days, coconut water is extremely common in most parts of the U.S. and can be found in most traditional grocery stores. If you’re unsure whether your favorite grocery store carries coconut water, give them a call! Even though the store might not carry it now, it may begin to do so if there is a demand for it. 

If you live in a tropical place where coconuts grow naturally or plan to visit one soon, you should be able to easily find a place to purchase a fresh coconut. This is the most authentic way to enjoy coconut water benefits and taste — and the freshest! 

Coconut water in bottled, canned, and freeze-dried forms can also be found easily in most health food stores. 

Are you looking for new and exciting ways to include the many coconut water benefits in your diet? Try a coconut water based smoothie or juice from Clean Juice!

Add Coconut Water Benefits to Your Life With Delicious Blends From Clean Juice

Coconut water is so much more than a health-packed superfood; it’s also a delicious treat all on its own, as well as a quick and easy addition to so many yummy and healthy recipes. 

Ordering a coconut water–based juice, or smoothie, from Clean Juice is an easy way to try out this healthy beverage in a delicious and nutritious way. Love it enough to drink it every day? Now you can by ordering Clean Juice right to your door. Sign up today for Clean Juice delivery from a location near you!


Disclaimer: The information presented here is for educational purposes only and is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. Consult your doctor before using any health treatment, including natural remedies, and tell your doctor if you have a serious medical condition or are taking any medications. 

If you’re unsure whether coconut water would be a healthy addition to your wellness routine, ask your doctor if any of your health details might make coconut water unsafe for you.

Wheatgrass: The Ingredient You Must Try in 2023

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Wheatgrass: The Ingredient You Must Try in 2023


As someone who is concerned with health and wellness, you’re likely always on the lookout for new health foods to incorporate into your daily routine.

While there are so many facets of overall health, including exercise and stress levels, the food you eat each day plays a major role in your energy levels, the functionality of your internal systems, and your general sense of well-being in your day-to-day life. 

Wheatgrass is a popular health food that has been around for many years. If you’ve never had it or aren’t sure how to include it in your typical routine, there’s never been a better time to try. Take a closer look at what wheatgrass is and why you should consider making this superfood a regular part of your diet.

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What Is Wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass is not the same as wheat, the grain used to make bread and other food items. Though it is essentially the wheat plant in its earliest form, the two items have very different looks, textures, and uses, making them categorically different from one another. 

This also means that, unlike fully matured wheat and wheat products, wheatgrass is gluten-free and safe for those with gluten intolerances. 

Wheatgrass looks and feels very similar to the green grass that grows in your backyard, but structurally and nutritionally the two couldn’t be more different. 

Wheatgrass is a wheat plant harvested at an extremely early stage when the plant’s phytonutrients are the most robust. It is therefore very dense in nutrients and can offer many health benefits.

A Brief History of Wheatgrass


Wheatgrass can be traced back as far as ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia more than 5,000 years ago, when members of these civilizations discovered the health effects that could be experienced by consuming wheat crops before they reached maturity. 

The wheatgrass we know today was popularized by multiple studies in the 1930s and 1940s concerning its medicinal effects. Though it shouldn’t be used to replace any medical treatment, the health benefits that were reported decades ago have sustained the superfood’s popularity well into the present day. 

Are the claimed wheatgrass benefits truly worth all the hype? Though its health effects can’t be denied, a big part of the reason it maintains its popularity is how many forms this superfood can be found in. 

A few quick tips will help you learn what it’s like to consume wheatgrass and how you can easily include it in your daily routine.

All About Wheatgrass: Taste, Texture, and How to Eat It

Though wheatgrass and typical lawn grass aren’t the same plant, they do have a similar taste and texture. However, wheatgrass is almost never eaten in its full form. The most common way to consume it is as a juice — combining blended wheatgrass with water to create a smooth drinking experience. 

Wheatgrass doesn’t have a sweet flavor, which means its juice is often consumed as a quick shot or combined with more palatable juices. It can also be ground into a powder and sold individually or in combination with other health powders like spirulina and ginger for added benefits. 

If you don’t like the taste of wheatgrass but still want to reap all of the best benefits for health, you can consume this superfood as a tablet or capsule. 

Though some experts claim that fresh wheatgrass is the superior form, the science behind this is still developing, and you’ll likely experience many of the same health effects with regular consumption no matter how you choose to take it.

Tips for Consuming Wheatgrass Juice

Though the benefits are many, the potent taste and smell of wheatgrass juice can cause nausea in some cases. If you have a sensitive stomach, drink only small amounts of it at a time to prevent indigestion. 

The juice tends to settle best in the stomach before you’ve eaten or along with other light foods like fruits and vegetables. Avoid drinking the juice on a full stomach, as it can cause nausea. 

Remember that wheatgrass juice is very low in calories and should not be used as a meal replacement, but as a supplement to an otherwise varied and nutritious diet.

Best Superfoods to Pair with Wheatgrass

Looking to add wheatgrass to the roster of superfoods within your diet? Luckily, there are so many easy and delicious ways to pair it with other foods to multiply the health benefits and create an enjoyable eating or drinking experience. 

Wheatgrass juice pairs well with other common health food juices like celery juice and beet juice, which each offer a long list of health benefits. If you prefer to take it as a capsule or tablet, you can pair it with other supplement forms of superfoods like ginger or even maca root. 

Additionally, the juice can be blended into any smoothie or protein shake to increase the nutritional value without significantly affecting the taste!

Top Wheatgrass Benefits for Health

Now that you understand what it’s like to consume wheatgrass and some of the best ways to do so, it’s time to dive deeper into the specific benefits when it comes to your health and wellness. 

Though the scientific research surrounding wheatgrass is still ongoing, many studies suggest that including it regularly in your diet could have a variety of health benefits. Also, there are virtually no downsides to consuming it as long as you don’t have an allergy or sensitivity.

Great Source of Fiber

Wheatgrass is an excellent source of fiber, an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in the digestive process. One single tablespoon of it contains a whopping 14% of your daily fiber intake, which can help to keep your digestion moving properly and prevent bloating. 

This superfood also contains high levels of B vitamins, which help to extract energy from food and keep the digestive system functioning well.

Helps to Stabilize Blood Sugar

wheatgrass benefits

Regular consumption of wheatgrass can help to lower your body’s glucose sensitivity. This means that if you consistently experience large blood sugar swings, wheatgrass may be able to help keep your blood sugar at a consistent level throughout the day. This can prevent multiple unwanted symptoms, including nausea, fainting, and low energy.

Cleanses the Liver

The liver’s primary purpose is to rid your body of toxins, but the organ itself can develop significant toxin buildup over time. Wheatgrass can help to reduce the amount of toxin buildup in your liver so it can keep functioning well. In fact, it has been shown to protect the liver from alcohol damage as well as oxidative stress.

Additionally, high blood sugar levels can damage the liver, and since wheatgrass has been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels, it could potentially reduce the risk of liver damage.

Treats Wounds

Wheatgrass can be used topically to treat wounds due to its potential anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

To use wheatgrass topically for wound healing, fresh wheatgrass juice or a wheatgrass powder can be mixed with water to create a paste or applied directly to the affected area. The paste or juice should be applied to the wound and covered with a sterile bandage or gauze. The dressing should be changed daily or as recommended by a healthcare professional.

In addition, wheatgrass has been shown to have antibacterial properties, which may help prevent infection and promote healing.

Supports Healthy Hair

Wheatgrass is packed with antioxidants, which are powerful agents that fight free radicals. Antioxidants occur naturally in the body, but can also be supported by your diet. 

Though antioxidants serve many different functions, wheatgrass in particular has been known to slow down the effects of hair graying, possibly due to the high levels of chlorophyll found within it. Additionally, applying wheatgrass externally to your hair and scalp may even be effective for reducing dandruff and making your hair shinier!

Boosts Immune System

A strong immune system helps to prevent all kinds of diseases, from the common cold to serious infections. Wheatgrass helps to strengthen the immune system by increasing the number of red blood cells in the body. 

This finding comes from an Indian Pediatrics study in 2004 that showed an increase in red blood cells so significant in pediatric patients after regular wheatgrass supplements that the patients needed fewer blood transfusions to treat their conditions. 

Adding more wheatgrass into your diet could help to keep you healthy throughout the year, but especially during cold and flu season.

Great Source of Vitamins

One of the secrets to better overall health is a varied diet full of all the necessary macronutrients, including a wide array of vitamins and minerals. 

Wheatgrass isn’t just a great source of antioxidants — it’s also packed with vitality-boosting vitamins A, C, and E, which support a strong immune system, good vision, brain health, and glowing skin.

Supports Thyroid Function

In addition to its high vitamin content, wheatgrass is also an abundant source of selenium, a health-boosting mineral. Specifically, selenium helps to improve the functionality of the thyroid gland. This can have specific applications toward weight stabilization or even weight loss.

Wheatgrass is also high in iodine, a mineral that is essential for thyroid function. Iodine is a key component of thyroid hormones, and a deficiency can lead to hypothyroidism or an underactive thyroid.

Additionally, wheatgrass is a good source of chlorophyll, a natural detoxifier that can help remove toxins and heavy metals from the body. Heavy metal toxicity has been linked to thyroid dysfunction, so detoxifying the body with chlorophyll-rich foods like wheatgrass may help support thyroid health.

Boosts Heart Health

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in American adults, so taking care of your heart should be one of your highest priorities. A significant contributor to heart disease is high cholesterol, and regular consumption of wheatgrass can help to lower cholesterol levels and keep your circulatory system functioning properly.

Helps to Reduce Acne

One of the most abundant substances in wheatgrass is chlorophyll, which is also found in leafy greens and other plants. Chlorophyll is what gives greens their color. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce the appearance of acne and other blemishes, including burns.

In addition, wheatgrass is rich in vitamins A, C, and E, which are essential for maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin A, in particular, is known for its ability to reduce the production of sebum, the oily substance that can clog pores and lead to acne.

Relieves Arthritis Pain

Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of chlorophyll in wheatgrass, consuming this superfood may have significant benefits for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (RA). 

Much of the joint pain that arthritis patients suffer is due to inflammation in the joints, and the high amount of chlorophyll found in every serving of wheatgrass can be a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, helping to reduce the symptoms experienced by RA patients.

Possible Side Effects of Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is considered safe for the general public to consume, and even those who avoid wheat products, such as people with celiac disease, are safe to consume it. 

Gluten is found in the wheat kernel’s seeds once the wheat plant is fully grown, but wheatgrass is harvested before these seeds have a chance to grow, making it a gluten-free product. 

Due to its potent grassy taste and its high fiber content, wheatgrass can cause nausea or gastrointestinal issues in some people, whether it’s consumed in juice, powder, or capsule form. These issues can be mitigated by taking the superfood on an empty stomach or with a light meal as opposed to during or directly after a heavy meal. 

If nausea and other stomach issues persist, consult with your doctor about what might be causing your specific issue. You may have an allergy to wheatgrass that could make its consumption unsafe for you.

Where to Find Wheatgrass Near You

Wheatgrass isn’t typically sold in its whole form. Generally, those looking for it will purchase the superfood as a juice, in powdered form, or as a capsule supplement. 

Wheatgrass products are available in most specialty health food stores as well as online. Depending on your location, they may not be available in standard grocery stores. 

Do you want to enjoy wheatgrass on a regular basis while saving money in the process? You can grow your own plant with ease at home! These plants can thrive in a pot in your kitchen, living room, or wherever you’d like, and you can harvest fresh wheatgrass regularly to support your health. 

If you choose to grow your own, we recommend investing in a high-quality juicer to make wheatgrass shots or even combine wheatgrass with other health-boosting superfoods in a delicious juice or smoothie.

Enhance Your Wellness Routine with Wheatgrass Shots from Clean Juice

Maintaining a healthy diet doesn’t have to be difficult or inconvenient. With Clean Juice, you can order delicious juices, acai bowls, smoothie bowls, sandwiches, and more right to your door on your own timeline. 

Find pure USDA-certified organic cold-pressed wheatgrass in our powerful wellness shot! Grab some out of the cooler, and stock up for your morning routine. Boost your health the delicious way today with Clean Juice! Order now or contact us to learn more.


Disclaimer: The information presented here is for educational purposes only and is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. Consult your doctor before using any health treatment, including natural remedies, and tell your doctor if you have a serious medical condition or are taking any medications. 

If you’re unsure whether wheatgrass would be a healthy addition to your wellness routine, ask your doctor if any of your health details might make wheatgrass unsafe for you.

Chia Seeds Benefits: The Tiny Seed that Packs a Punch

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Chia Seeds Benefits: The Tiny Seed that Packs a Punch

chia seeds benefits

When it comes to superfoods, chia seeds are essentially in a class of their own. They are often referred to as “functional food,” which implies benefits beyond nutrition. This is due to their ability to improve gut health and lower cholesterol. Yet you may also find chia seeds alongside more indulgent foods, such as pastries.

Chia seeds are derived from the plant Salvia hispanica and were widely popular in Mexico and Guatemala. Records dating as far back as 3500 BC indicate that chia seeds functioned as offerings to the gods during religious ceremonies. Today, they are a crucial component of a market estimated to exceed $2 billion by the end of 2022.

If you want to learn more about chia seeds, you have come to the right place. Let’s dive into the history and benefits of chia seeds.

chia seeds benefits graphic

Table of contents:

What Are Chia Seeds?

chia seeds benefits

As mentioned, chia seeds come from the Salvia hispanica plant, which is a member of the mint family. This plant is believed to have originated in Central America, where it was consumed by the Aztecs. 

Today, chia seeds are recognized as a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to prevent heart disease and strokes and are thought to be beneficial against a variety of other ailments, including:

  • Eczema
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Lupus
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Eye problems
  • Brain issues
  • Symptoms of ADHD in children
  • Inflammation
  • Bone and joint concerns

Aside from omega-3 fatty acids, chia seeds also contain about 10 grams of dietary fiber per ounce, as well as protein and several minerals. 

Chia seeds are a nutritional powerhouse, renowned for their remarkable fiber content. Fiber, a crucial component in chia seeds, offers a myriad of health benefits. Not only does it play a pivotal role in enhancing heart health and lowering cholesterol levels, but it also fosters optimal intestinal well-being. In simple and unremarkable terms, it aids the body in getting rid of waste.

The unique quality of fiber is its ability to prolong the feeling of fullness by slowing down the digestion process. This attribute aids in weight management and significantly reduces the likelihood of developing both diabetes and heart disease.

Additionally, current research suggests chia seeds’ benefits are vast and could prove effective in the fight against high cholesterol and high blood pressure. However, more research is needed for confirmation.

Size and Texture

Chia seeds are recognizable due to their small size and unique texture. They are small oval-shaped seeds with gray and black coloring alongside white spots. 

On average, chia seeds have a diameter of approximately 2 millimeters. However, they are hygroscopic, meaning they can absorb moisture from the air. Consequently, they can absorb up to 12 times their weight. When soaked in liquid, they develop a coating that gives them a distinctive gel-like texture.

A Brief History of Chia Seeds

chia seeds benefits

Chia seeds were an essential component of the Aztec diet. The Aztecs used them as early as 3500 BC. Years later, between 1500 and 900 BC, they were grown by the Teotihuacan and Toltec peoples in Mexico. 

Rather than simply eating the seeds whole, these early proponents of chia seeds used them in a variety of different ways, including:

  • As a component of medicine
  • Ground into flour
  • Pressed for oil
  • Used in drinks

One of the properties that made chia seeds so useful in these early days was their ability to be stored for long periods. This made them ideal for nomadic lifestyles and long journeys.

Use by the Aztecs

For the Aztecs, chia seeds’ benefits extended past the seed itself. That’s because they imbued them with sacred religious properties. For this reason, the seeds were a staple of their sacrifices and other religious ceremonies.

Use by the Mayans

The Mayans also believed one of the chia seeds’ benefits was the bestowment of supernatural properties. This is likely why the Mayan word “chia” translates to “strength.” They believed the seeds supplied Mayan warriors with special energy. This conviction is still prevalent in Mexico today.

Use in Present-Day Mexico

In present-day Mexico, the Tarahumara tribe uses chia seeds as a component in beverages. This tribe, famous for their runners, uses chia seeds in a concoction called Iskiate, which they believe increases their stamina and makes it easier for their runners to push themselves.

Conquistadors Banned Chia Seeds

Like many native traditions, chia seeds were banned by the Spanish conquistadors during their bloody crusades. These invaders felt threatened by the seed’s use in religious ceremonies and banned it as a means of imparting their view of reality onto the indigenous people they were attempting to colonize.

Fortunately, people throughout Mexico defied this ban, which has resulted in chia seeds’ continued prevalence today. Consequently, chia is grown in several Latin American countries, including:

  • Argentina
  • Bolivia
  • Ecuador
  • Guatemala
  • Mexico

Chia seeds are also popular ingredients in Paraguay, where the residents use them in drinks and other dishes.

Other Commercial Exporters

Today, China is the number one exporter of chia seeds globally. In 2020, it is estimated that the country exported approximately $112.4 million worth of chia seeds.

How Are Chia Seeds Harvested?

When harvesting chia seeds, most experts recommend letting the flower head dry out. This makes the stalk much easier to extract. 

Once the flowers start to dry, the petals will usually fall off, making the stalk easier to cut. Ideally, the best time to harvest the seeds is at this point, just after the petals have fallen off. Keep in mind that this must be done expediently before the flower starts to brown.

At the optimal time, the stalk is cut from the plant and hung out to dry on a rack. Occasionally, they are also stored in paper bags. The length of time required for them to dry varies depending on the climate. However, you will need to wait until they are completely dry before attempting to separate them.

Once they are dry, they are ready to be separated. Then the seeds are stored in a dry, dark place. It is important that the space they are stored in is relatively dry and free from humidity. For this reason, many growers opt to store them in mason jars. Once they are stored, they can be used or sewn for the upcoming season.

What Do Chia Seeds Offer (Taste-Wise) in Juices/Smoothies?

chia seeds benefits by adding to a smoothie

Chia seeds have a subtle nutty flavor that makes them ideal for sweeter dishes. Because of their mild taste, some people compare dry chia seeds to alfalfa sprouts or poppy seeds. However, their texture becomes much more gelatinous when they are soaked in liquid. In this state, they are as soft as tapioca.

When used in juices or smoothies, chia seeds will absorb the surrounding liquid and become soft. Their texture makes them a perfect addition to a pulpier smoothie, where they provide a mildly nutty flavor.

Chia Seeds Benefits: Common Uses

Chia seeds can be used in a wide variety of different foods. Here are some of the most popular and intriguing dishes you can include them in:

  • Oatmeal
  • Pudding (especially with coconut or almond milk)
  • Cookies
  • Milk
  • Bread
  • Waffles
  • Smoothies
  • Muffins

Additionally, chia seeds’ benefits extend to gut health. This is because they contain a great deal of fiber. Next time you are feeling constipated, take a tablespoon of chia seeds and put them in a glass of water. The chia seeds will absorb the water and become gelatinous, making them easier to gulp down with the surrounding liquid.

Chia Seeds Benefits

Despite their small size, chia seeds are packed with a high concentration of nutrients. With a single chia seed, you get all of the following:

  • Omega-3 fatty acid
  • Antioxidants
  • Minerals
  • Fiber

Chia seeds are also a remarkably versatile ingredient and work well in a variety of dishes. After learning more about the health benefits they provide, you might want to include them in almost everything you cook.


It turns out the Aztecs were on to something. Modern science has concurred that chia seeds are highly nutritious. A single ounce of chia seeds contains less than 140 calories, just under 5 grams of protein, and approximately 9 grams of fat.

Chia seeds also contain the following:

  • Fiber
  • Carbohydrates
  • Alpha-linolenic acid
  • Calcium 
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Zinc
  • Niacin
  • Thiamine

Considering you get all of the above in just a tablespoon or two, it’s difficult to imagine why more people don’t incorporate chia seeds into their regular diet.

Antioxidants Galore

Due to their high concentration of antioxidants, chia seeds can help destroy free radicals in the human body. These nasty molecules can build up over time and damage cell compounds. Eventually, this damage can contribute to cancer and other aging diseases.

The antioxidants found in chia seeds include:

  • Caffeic acid
  • Chlorogenic acid
  • Kaempferol
  • Myricetin
  • Quercetin

These antioxidants imbue chia seeds with many of their anti-inflammatory properties. However, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Weight Loss Potential

Since chia seeds contain healthy doses of fiber and protein, they are purported to be beneficial for weight loss. Just one ounce of chia seeds contains almost 10 grams of dietary fiber. While further study is needed to determine the extent of the benefits, if any, some studies suggest that a diet high in fiber can help with weight control.

Chia seeds are also thought to promote a feeling of fullness, which leads to individuals consuming less food over the course of the day. However, it should be stated that the results of studies concerning these properties have been mixed. As with their weight loss potential, further study is needed to determine the extent of their benefits.

Potential Lower Risk of Heart Disease

The combination of fiber and omega-3 acids means that chia seeds could potentially reduce the risk of contracting heart disease. That’s because they contain soluble fiber, which is known to lower LDL cholesterol levels in the human body.

While studies conducted on human subjects with hypertension have shown that chia seed supplements have successfully reduced blood pressure, more research is required before a definitive claim can be made.

Potentially Lower Blood Sugar

Since chia seeds are so high in fiber, it is thought that they could play a role in lowering blood sugar levels. A few studies conducted almost a decade ago concluded that bread containing chia seeds helped lower blood sugar levels in individuals after eating.

However, despite the promising results, more research is needed to determine how beneficial chia seeds actually are in reducing blood sugar levels in healthy human subjects.

Potential Bone Health Improvement

Another one of the chia seeds benefits is that they contain calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. All three of these nutrients are crucial for bone health. Additionally, some studies have shown that the ALA contained in chia seeds might benefit bone density. 

Unfortunately, many of the studies in this area have been conducted on animals, so more research is needed on viable human subjects to determine the extent of the impact chia seeds can have on bone health.


Chia seeds are small and mild, which means they can be incorporated into just about any dish or snack. These surprisingly versatile seeds don’t need to be ground or cooked for adequate preparation. Just soak them or throw them in raw, and you’re good to go.

Since chia seeds are great for absorbing fat and water, they can be used as a substitute for eggs. They are also incredibly handy for adding a little thickness to sauces. 

However, if you use them in a sauce or as an egg substitute, make sure your diet is high in fiber; otherwise, you could experience bloating or diarrhea if you consume too much.

For a healthy dose of chia seeds, you shouldn’t consume more than 1.5 tablespoons in a single sitting. Additionally, it is a good idea to limit your intake to two 1.5-tablespoon servings per day.

Stay Healthy with Clean Juice

If you are looking for an easy way to stay healthy, Clean Juice has got you covered. We provide an array of healthy foods to help you achieve your dietary goals. From salads to acai bowls to an assortment of delicious sandwiches and smoothies, our menu contains an incredible variety of delicious and healthy foods.

We have many Superfood Add-ons to choose from, including the powerful chia seed, that you can add to your smoothies, juices, or acai bowls. We recommend adding chia seeds to The Youthful One or The So Basic One!

But don’t just take our word for it; contact us or stop by one of our locations today and see for yourself.


Disclaimer: The information presented here is for educational purposes only and is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. Consult your doctor before using any health treatment, including natural remedies, and tell your doctor if you have a serious medical condition or are taking any medications. 

If you’re unsure whether chia seeds would be a healthy addition to your wellness routine, ask your doctor if any of your health details might make chia seeds unsafe for you.

Cacao Nibs: Guilt-Free Chocolate and Why Your Body Needs It

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Cacao Nibs: Guilt-Free Chocolate and Why Your Body Needs It

cacao nibs

Odds are you’ve probably seen cacao (kah-kow) nibs sitting on the shelf of your local grocery store but had no idea what they are. You probably inferred from the word “cacao” that the product has something to do with chocolate, but what is cacao nibs’ exact relationship to one of many people’s favorite snacks?

Words aside, at first glance, there doesn’t appear to be much commonality between cocoa and cacao nibs. However, this is certainly an instance where appearances are deceiving because all it takes for cacao nibs to become chocolate is the addition of a little sugar and water.

If you want to find out more about this fascinating treat, this article will divulge why cacao nibs are guilt-free chocolate that is actually good for your body (and that tastes amazing in a smoothie!).

Table of contents:

What Are Cacao Nibs?

True to their name, cacao nibs are crushed pieces of cacao beans. If you truly know chocolate, you likely already know it is derived from cacao beans. Therefore, cacao nibs can technically become chocolate with the addition of a few key ingredients.

Cacao beans are harvested from the Theobroma cacao tree. This tropical tree is native to South America. It is known for its fruits, which grow directly on its trunk and branches. Each fruit pod contains dozens of seeds.

When pulled from the tree and broken open, these fruit pods sport a white pulp that encompasses the seeds. 

When cut in half, the combination of the pulp and seeds has a distinct purple color. This color is due to the high amount of antioxidants contained within the seeds. Unfortunately, the antioxidants give it a bitter flavor that literally makes them difficult to swallow.

In order to make cacao nibs, the seeds must be removed from the pods and fermented. The fermentation process lasts anywhere from two to six days.

During fermentation, the seeds develop a more chocolatey flavor due to the destruction of their germs. These germs have nothing to do with bacteria; the germ is the part of the seed that eventually leads to the establishment of the root system. It is also what gives the seed an unpalatable bitterness.

After fermentation, the seeds are dried, packaged, and shipped out for processing. To become cacao nibs, the seeds are cleaned and roasted, after which they are cracked open, deshelled, and broken into nibs.

Cacao Nibs and Chocolate

Since cacao nibs are closely related to chocolate, it is essential to examine their similarities and differences. If you’ve ever tasted dark chocolate, that is a fine starting point for discerning what cacao nibs taste like.

Compared to dark chocolate, cacao nibs adhere to all of the following:

  • Nutty
  • Earthy
  • Rich
  • Bitter

If you haven’t already guessed, cacao nibs are much less processed than their counterpart, especially if you factor in the sugar and milk-laden qualities of the milk chocolate that is so popular in the United States. However, cacao nibs can be even more bitter and harsh if they are not prepared properly.

Proper Preparation

In order to turn them into chocolate, cacao nibs need to be ground down. During the grinding process, they emit a number of acids that contribute to their flavor. If these acids are not properly released, they can make the overall taste very unpleasant.

However, part of the unique taste of cacao nibs is due to their inherent bitterness. So this quality is something that should be embraced rather than avoided.

Life Cycle of Cacao Nibs

The life cycle of the average cacao nib starts with the Theobroma cacao tree. This tree only grows in the tropics. It is grown from seeds or stems that are transplanted into cacao orchards, where they subsequently reach their reproductive stage after approximately five years.

How Are Cacao Nibs Harvested?

When they are ready to reproduce, small flowers will sprout on the tree’s trunk and branches. These tiny flowers are subsequently pollinated by small insects known as “midges” that are about the size of the tip of a pen. Once pollinated, the flowers will eventually produce small pods.

The resulting pods are distinguishable due to their leathery texture that turns more yellow as the fruit ripens. When the fruit is ready to be harvested, it will usually be removed with a machete. 

Unfortunately, due to the cacao tree’s consistent production of flowers and fruit, the pods on one tree will all ripen at different times. This makes harvesting them more difficult.

If the pod is harvested before it is fully ripe, it will taste bland and bitter. On the other end of the spectrum, an overripe pod is unusable due to the fact that it has already begun germinating. Once harvested, the pods are collected and eventually cracked open.

After they are cracked open, each pod will yield about 30 cacao beans. As mentioned earlier, these beans are caked in white pulp. Together, the bean and pulp will be used to create chocolate.


cacao nibs in a fermentation box

Now that the beans and pulp have been removed, they need to be fermented. During fermentation, starches and sugars are broken down into carbon dioxide and alcohol. Similar to yeast in bread, fermentation is vital to the unique flavor of the cacao nib. As such, it must be managed with great care and precision.

After the pod is opened, it is filled with naturally-occurring yeast and bacteria. From there, the beans are placed into a fermentation box, which provides them with an optimal environment where their pulp and other liquids can spill out. 

Some farmers opt not to use a fermentation box and place the beans within a layer of banana leaves instead. This latter process is seen as more organic and is preferred by many farmers.

From there, the fermentation process goes through two phases – anaerobic and aerobic.

The Anaerobic Phase

The pulp surrounding the beans deprives them of oxygen, creating an anaerobic environment. This condition is exacerbated by placing the beans within banana leaves, which also deprive them of oxygen.

The cacao bean’s pulp contains water, acids, and sugars such as sucrose, glucose, and fructose. These sugars and acids combine to create a cozy home for the yeast, bacteria, and other enzymes in the pulp.

While in this anaerobic environment, the yeasts will eat up the sugars and produce carbon dioxide and ethanol. Various bacterial organisms transform the carbohydrates, citric acid, and glucose into lactic acid. During this stage, it is possible to see carbon dioxide bubbling up at the surface.

As the pulp is broken down, it transforms into a liquid and melts away. This creates more space that is subsequently filled by oxygen. Once this happens, the fermentation has reached the aerobic phase.

The Aerobic Phase

After they enter the aerobic phase, the farmers overseeing the process will move the beans around and mix them. This process is known as “turning” and ultimately adds more oxygen to help equalize the fermentation process across the entire batch. 

During this phase, many of the microorganisms die, and acetic acid is produced. Once this acid makes contact with oxygen, it breaks down into water and carbon dioxide.

Throughout this process, the cell walls are broken down, and the bean eventually dies. This process ensures the bean will no longer germinate. It also produces an array of chemical reactions within the bean. These reactions eventually result in the familiar flavors most people associate with chocolate.

The Drying Process

Once the beans have reached the end of the aerobic phase, they are extremely moist. This high moisture content and internal fat make them perfect vessels for bacteria. Consequently, shipping them at this stage could ruin them.

This is why farmers will place cacao beans under an awning for between five and seven days, or until they have dried out enough that the moisture content is virtually nonexistent. While the beans could certainly dry in the sun, the high moisture content in the air of the tropics renders this approach unreliable.

After the beans have reached the appropriate moisture levels, they are packaged and shipped around the world.

A Brief History of Cacao Nibs

Cacao nibs are native to the South American region and were first cultivated by the Olmecs. This early Mesoamerican civilization referred to it as “kakawa.” From there, cacao was subsequently used by the Mayans and Aztecs, who used it in a drink that was also flavored with vanilla, honey, and chili peppers.

Although it was originally cultivated in South America, a major portion of today’s cacao supply is sourced from West Africa.

What Do Cacao Nibs Offer (Taste-Wise) in Juices/Smoothies?

Cacao nibs are used in a variety of modern juice and smoothie recipes. They provide a rich, chocolatey flavor that is much more bitter than traditional chocolate. This flavor profile makes it ideal alongside peanut butter and bananas. 

Additionally, it can be combined with cherry flavoring and used alongside mangoes, strawberries, or other flavors.

In terms of presentation, cacao is often mixed into juices and smoothies in one of two ways. The first method is to use it in powder form. This approach is perfect for blended beverages where the cacao needs to pervade the flavor alongside something like peanut butter or banana. 

Additionally, cacao shavings can be added on top of a juice or smoothie. From there, they can be stirred in for an added crunch or eaten individually for extra flavor.

Health Benefits of Cacao Nibs

Cacao nibs contain an assortment of healthy fats, antioxidants, and dietary fiber. The antioxidants contained in them are known as flavonoids, which are renowned for their anti-aging properties. Additionally, antioxidants are known for preventing cell damage, which can help ward off all of the following ailments:

  • Alzheimer’s
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Inflammation

In addition to the ailments listed above, the nutrients found in cacao nibs can help with a variety of other problems. Here are some of them:


Cacao beans are rich in fiber, which means improved digestion for all who consume them. This effect can help with a variety of digestive conditions, such as hemorrhoids and painful bowel movements.

Heart health

cacao nibs in a heart shaped dish

The flavonoids found in cacao beans have been linked to improvements in heart health. In fact, cacao beans boast more healthy flavonoids per serving than red wine. Flavanoids have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease by reducing inflammation in the blood vessels and other tissues.


Cacao nibs contain Phenylethylamine (PEA), a compound that is believed to promote the release of endorphins in the brain. Endorphins are hormones that are associated with feelings of pleasure and well-being, and they may contribute to an improved mood.

Cacao nibs also contain anandamide, a neurotransmitter that is sometimes referred to as the “bliss molecule.” Anandamide is believed to help regulate mood, and it may contribute to a sense of calm and happiness.

Stroke Risk

Dark chocolate, produced from the cacao bean, is thought to promote higher levels of HDL cholesterol. Known as a benevolent cholesterol, this compound can help fend off strokes and heart attacks.

Best Way to Store Cacao Nibs

When stored properly, cacao nibs can last for several years. Proper storage means securing the nibs in an airtight container or airtight plastic bag. From there, you will want to store the container in a cool, dark area that is not prone to high moisture levels.

If you opt to store your cacao nibs in an airtight plastic bag, make sure you press all of the air out of the bag before you store it in a dark, dry area. If you find that a plastic bag is not suitable for these conditions, you can always transfer it to an airtight jar.

Eat Right with Clean Juice

If you are looking for a go-to place for all of your health food needs, Clean Juice may be just what the doctor ordered. Our expansive menu contains a variety of innovative, health-conscious items that are as tasty as they are healthy.

We use only pure USDA-certified organic cacao to make sure you receive the maximum benefits of this powerful ingredient, without any of the added preservatives, sugars, or dyes. 

All of our items are hand-crafted and made with high-quality ingredients that are safe for you and your family. Whether you are craving one of our cold-pressed juices or a delicious acai bowl, Clean Juice is your one-stop shop for a tasty and health-conscious nirvana. Contact us today, and see for yourself; it’s just that good!


Disclaimer: The information presented here is for educational purposes only and is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. Consult your doctor before using any health treatment, including natural remedies, and tell your doctor if you have a serious medical condition or are taking any medications. 

If you’re unsure whether cacao nibs would be a healthy addition to your wellness routine, ask your doctor if any of your health details might make cacao nibs unsafe for you.



How Dragon Fruit Benefits Will Help You Slay the Game of Health

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How Dragon Fruit Benefits Will Help You Slay the Game of Health

Most people know that getting enough servings of fruit throughout the day can help with multiple aspects of health, including digestion, gut health, and immune health, thanks to the many vitamins and minerals. 

However, if you’re tired of eating the same fruits repeatedly, you may find it difficult to get your ideal number of fruit servings into your day. 

Looking for a new and exotic way to spice up your diet while supporting your health? If you’ve never tried dragon fruit, now is the time to consider including this delicious fruit in your daily routine.

Table of contents:

What Is Dragon Fruit?

Dragon fruit is a unique tropical fruit characterized by its bright pink skin and scaly-looking exterior that resembles little shooting flames, which is where it gets its name. While the skin is inedible, the flesh inside is sweet and contains many small, edible black seeds.

Other Names and Types of Dragon Fruit

If you’ve never heard of dragon fruit, you may have heard it referred to by one of its other names – strawberry pear or pitaya. These names come from Central America and Asia, respectively. 

Though most dragon fruit has a pink exterior and a white flesh interior, this is only the most common variety of the fruit. In addition to being grown around the world and sold at the highest volume, this variety is known to be the least sweet of the many varieties of dragon fruit. 

Other varieties available include pink or red flesh inside, which tends to be larger and sweeter; purple flesh, which is native to South and Central America as well as Florida; and yellow skin and a white interior, which is the smallest and sweetest variety but also the most difficult to find as it isn’t grown on a massive scale.

Where Does Dragon Fruit Grow

dragon fruit benefits

Dragon fruit is grown all around the world in tropical climates. The biggest worldwide producers of dragon fruit are Asia, South and Central America, Hawaii, and certain areas of the continental U.S., like southern California and southern Florida.

Dragon Fruit Taste and Texture

Dragon fruit has a subtle sweetness that makes it easy to enjoy on its own as a snack or as part of a recipe without overpowering the dish. Many people describe the flavor of dragon fruit as a cross between a pear and a kiwi, and it has a distinctive tropical taste. 

The texture of dragon fruit skin is thick and rough, and you cut it open to reach the edible flesh inside. Dragon fruit flesh can be described as creamy but substantial, with small seeds inside, similar to the texture of a kiwi.

Different Forms of Dragon Fruit

If you have access to fresh, whole dragon fruit at your local health food store or Asian market, you can enjoy freshly cut dragon fruit at home. 

However, if you don’t have access to whole dragon fruit or prefer to consume it in other ways, you can also purchase dragon fruit powder, which has a much longer shelf life while still providing many of the same benefits for your health.

Best Ways to Eat Dragon Fruit

Wondering how you can fit dragon fruit benefits into your daily life without switching up your routine? Here are a few of the best ways to eat dragon fruit.

Smoothies and Smoothie Bowls

Though dragon fruit has a unique and specific taste, it blends very well with other fruits and flavors inside a smoothie or smoothie bowl. It can provide a subtly sweet and tropical taste without being overpowering and make your smoothie that much more nutrient-dense. 

You can do this by blending freshly cut dragon fruit into your smoothie or smoothie bowl or adding some dragon fruit powder into your blender for convenience. Fresh dragon fruit will likely provide a stronger flavor than the powdered version.

Acai Bowls

Acai is one of the most popular tropical fruit flavors, and most people enjoy it as a frozen paste at the base of a bowl covered with delicious and nutritious toppings. 

You can include dragon fruit benefits in your acai bowl by blending fresh dragon fruit into your base, mixing dragon fruit powder into your base, or sprinkling fresh dragon fruit pieces onto your base as a topping.

Inside a Fruit Salad

Freshly cut dragon fruit is the perfect way to turn a traditional fruit salad into a tropical getaway. Dragon fruit will add a unique flavor to your fruit salad without overpowering the delicious tastes of the other fruits, and it mixes particularly well with a variety of other tropical fruit flavors, including kiwi, pineapple, mango, and more.

Superfoods to Combine With Dragon Fruit

A superfood is generally categorized as a particularly nutrient-dense food, and the many dragon fruit benefits can certainly put it in that category. 

If you’re looking to improve your health by including as many superfoods as possible in your diet, here are a few easy and tasty ways to combine dragon fruit benefits with the health benefits of other superfoods.


Spirulina is a type of nutrient-dense algae typically ground into a powder and used in smoothies, juices, and acai bowls. Spirulina’s slightly bitter taste can balance out the sweetness of dragon fruit in a smoothie, smoothie bowl, or acai bowl, not to mention increase the protein content of your meal to improve satiety.


Ginger has a variety of health benefits and can be used fresh or in powder form to elevate any dish with its slightly spicy flavor. If you like the combination of sweet and spicy, you might want to add a bit of fresh ginger along with dragon fruit into your next fruit salad or smoothie recipe.

Maca Root

Maca root is another popular superfood usually sold in powder form, making it easy to include in a variety of food and beverage recipes to increase the nutritional value. Maca root has a subtle earthy taste, which blends well into smoothies and smoothie bowls full of sweet fruits like dragon fruit.

What Are the Biggest Dragon Fruit Benefits?

Now that you understand a bit more about what dragon fruit is, what it tastes like, and how it can be eaten, you may be wondering exactly what dragon fruit benefits you should be looking for when you include this tropical fruit in your regular diet. Here are a few of the most significant dragon fruit benefits for health and wellness.

Immune System Support

Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins to consume when it comes to maintaining a healthy and functional immune system. Luckily, dragon fruit is packed with vitamin C, which makes it a healthy part of an immunity-supporting diet. Additionally, the many antioxidants present in dragon fruit can support high immunity as well.

Reduced Inflammation

Inflammation is a major part of the body’s natural response to stressors, such as sickness, overexercising, and mental strain. However, too much inflammation has the potential to cause issues like chronic pain and disease. 

One promising study performed on mice showed a noticeable decrease in inflammation after consuming dragon fruit extract while on a high-fat diet. Other changes during the study included less weight gain, reductions in insulin resistance, and reductions in fatty liver tissue.

Better Gut Health

To have a healthy gut, you need to maintain a balance between prebiotics and probiotics. Prebiotics feed probiotics, or healthy bacteria, which keep your intestines functioning properly. 

One of the most helpful dragon fruit benefits is the fact that it encourages the growth of two prebiotics called bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. These prebiotics help to feed the healthy bacteria in your gut and prevent bloating and indigestion.

Great Source of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are an essential part of any healthy diet as they help to prevent disease and inflammation by stopping harmful oxidation processes in the body. Much like many other fruits, one of the primary dragon fruit benefits is its high antioxidant content, which supports the immune system and helps the body recover from stress.

Packed With Fiber

Supporting prebiotic growth is only one of many dragon fruit benefits surrounding digestion. Dragon fruit contains high levels of fiber, which supports gut health, digestive health, and satiation, helping you to feel fuller for longer. 

Additionally, the combination of fiber with the natural sugars in dragon fruit makes this a healthy and safe snack for those who struggle with blood sugar regulation.

Good Source of Minerals

In addition to its vitamin content, dragon fruit contains high levels of some health-boosting minerals, including iron and magnesium. In fact, a serving of dragon fruit provides the average person 10% of their recommended daily intake of magnesium while still maintaining a low-calorie content.

Lower Sugar Content than Most Fruits

In addition to the many dragon fruit benefits, you can rest assured knowing that dragon fruit is not particularly high in sugar and is only around 60 calories per 100-gram serving. The high fiber content in dragon fruit also helps to mitigate any blood sugar spikes.

Bowl or Juice?

After learning all about dragon fruit benefits, the question becomes not whether or not to incorporate them into your diet, but rather how would you prefer to enjoy this delectable fruit. If you’re looking for a filling way to add dragon fruit to your day, a bowl is a great option. In Clean Juice’s Dragon Fruit Bowl we artfully combine organic acai, banana, pineapple, coconut oil, almond milk, with dragon fruit, and then top it all with organic granola, coconut chips, chia seeds, goji berries, and your choice of drizzle. There’s no better pick-me-up.

But if you’re more of a juice over bowl person, Clean Juice still has you covered. The Pink Juice is a delightfully simple drink, consisting of filtered water, organic lemon, agave and dragon fruit. Drink in the dragon fruit benefits on the go and order yours here.

How Can I Tell If Dragon Fruit Is Ripe?

Not sure how to pick the perfect dragon fruit at your local Asian market or health food store? Dragon fruit’s peak season is summer and early fall, but you can usually find it in stores year-round. 

Look for a dragon fruit with bright-colored skin and an even tone across the whole fruit. If the dragon fruit has several large blotches of darker or lighter skin, it might be too ripe or not ripe enough. 

Press lightly into the dragon fruit’s skin to feel its firmness. If it gives slightly, it’s at peak ripeness; if it presses in too easily or not at all, it’s either overripe or underripe.

How to Properly Store a Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit powder can be stored for long periods of time in a cool, dry place as long as it is properly sealed. 

If you purchase a fresh dragon fruit, it can remain on the counter until you’re ready to eat it, but it will remain fresh longer if you store it in the fridge in a sealed plastic bag. The purpose of the plastic bag is to prevent your dragon fruit from picking up the tastes and odors of the other foods in your fridge. 

Once your dragon fruit has been cut, store any leftovers in a sealed container in the fridge. You should consume your dragon fruit within a day or two for optimal freshness and taste.

Possible Risks of Dragon Fruit Consumption

Dragon fruit is typically safe to eat for the average person. Allergic reactions to dragon fruit can occur, but they are rare. Contact your physician immediately if you notice symptoms like nausea, vomiting, or hives after eating dragon fruit.

Where Can I Find Dragon Fruit?

Dragon fruit is available at most health food stores as well as many Asian markets, as different varieties of dragon fruit are major exports of many Asian countries.

If you’re unsure whether your local grocery store carries dragon fruit, you can call and ask to speak to the head of the produce section. Even if the store doesn’t carry dragon fruit, the produce manager might be able to tell you where to find fresh or powdered dragon fruit in your area.

Boost Your Health the Tasty Way With Clean Juice

Another great way to get your dragon fruit fix is with Clean Juice. All of our recipes are made with only the freshest ingredients, which are used at peak ripeness to make sure your smoothie, smoothie bowl, acai bowl, or juice is as nutritious and tasty as can be. 

Ready to improve your health while keeping your daily diet as delicious as ever? Order Clean Juice products to make healthy living as easy as it is fun and delicious.


Disclaimer: The information presented here is for educational purposes only and is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. Consult your doctor before using any health treatment, including natural remedies, and tell your doctor if you have a serious medical condition or are taking any medications. 

If you’re unsure whether Dragon Fruit would be a healthy addition to your wellness routine, ask your doctor if any of your health details might make Dragon Fruit unsafe for you.



Trauma: An Ongoing Problem in the Autoimmune World

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We sat down with Justin Janoska to talk about emotions, past trauma, and how it plays into auto-immune disorders and how to find healing in unique ways. Starting your journey doesn’t have to be intimidating!

Justin Janoska is the founder of The Autoimmune Revolution – an emerging company that guides women in their healing journey to reverse their autoimmune disease and reproductive disorder naturally. After studying to heal his mother’s Hashimoto’s, he made it his mission to help other women with autoimmune diseases who need to hear the truth about what is possible.

2:55 Trauma & how it relates to auto-immune disorders
7:39 Unique ways to address trauma
13:37 “I am an auto-immune alchemist”
14:44 Justin’s training regime
21:32 Ways people can get some help addressing trauma
33:06 We all need radical downtime