The Superfood You’re Overlooking: 5 Healthy Cherry Benefits

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The Superfood You’re Overlooking: 5 Healthy Cherry Benefits

This post will list 5 healthy cherry benefits and explain why they’re the superfood you’ve been overlooking.

No matter how you like to eat them, cherries are a powerful super fruit that can be integrated into just about any diet. (Hence why they are a main ingredient in our “The Chocolate Cherry Smoothie and our “Don’t Worry” Acai Bowl)! In addition to being low in calories and full of fiber, cherries contain a wealth of incredible benefits that should make the most health-conscious people consider them as a daily addition to their diets.

Low calories and fibrous content aside, cherries contain all of the following benefits:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Antioxidants
  • Beta Carotene
  • Choline

All of these ingredients are great for the body and complement a healthy lifestyle. If that’s news to you, read on. This post will list 5 healthy cherry benefits and explain why they’re the superfood you’ve been overlooking.

Table of contents:

What Are Cherries?

Research shows that all the nutrients contained in cherries are good for humans. This knowledge has given them a hearty reputation among health experts and dietary aficionados. However, more research is needed before definitive conclusions can be drawn.

Furthermore, one would need to consume a very high number of cherries to get many of the purported benefits. More specifically, people would need to eat between 40 and 280 cherries every day to see the greatest results. However, that doesn’t mean certain cherry benefits can’t be achieved by consuming them in concentrated amounts.

Taste and Texture

The diameter of the average cherry is between two and four centimeters. They feature an oval shape and a smooth surface. They contain soft red flesh just underneath the surface, which surrounds a pit that is located in the center of each cherry.

In terms of flavor, cherries have a range of possible tastes. What they taste like depends on what type of cherry they are and how high their sugar and acid contents are. Sour cherries feature a high acid content that gives them a tangy, tart flavor. On the other hand, sweet cherries are more balanced in their tartness and have fruitier notes.

Sweet cherries sounding good to you? You can enjoy them with the goodness of chocolate in our The Chocolate Cherry One. Order it here!

Nutritional Value

Cherries are a fantastic source of anthocyanins. These antioxidant-rich flavonoids are present in many fruits and vegetables and protect cells against the damage caused by free radicals. Additionally, anthocyanins can reduce inflammation.

Since cherries are also high in vitamins A and C, they have the potential to boost the immune system. Beyond that, their high potassium content means they can balance the body’s fluid levels. Finally, cherries also contain iron, fiber, and calcium, which provide a host of other benefits.

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Cherries

Read up on five healthy cherry benefits so you can improve your health and get the most out of your day.

The potential health benefits of cherries cannot be overstated. Since they are rich in so many essential nutrients, they have many potential applications that can prove useful for a wide variety of people from all walks of life. This section will look more closely at their potential health benefits.

1. Antioxidants to Reduce Oxidative Stress and Other Issues

Cherries feature a high concentration of plant compounds, including anthocyanins and quercetin. Anthocyanins are known for their antimicrobial properties, while quercetin could potentially guard against toxin-induced tissue injuries. In addition to these compounds, cherries contain varying amounts of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.

Antioxidants are thought to reduce oxidative stress, which is linked to premature aging and chronic diseases. One review found that 11 out of 16 studies demonstrated a positive reduction in inflammation. This same review found that eating cherries reduced signs of oxidative stress in 8 out of 10 studies.

Cherries also feature a high concentration of polyphenols, which are thought to promote general health, reduce inflammation, and potentially prevent cell damage. Studies have shown that diets containing high amounts of polyphenols could potentially help with the following chronic conditions:

  • Heart disease
  • Mental reduction
  • Various types of cancer

The anthocyanins present in cherries can also potentially help with diabetes. While some people believe they cause a spike in sugar levels, this is only partially true. Furthermore, the sugar present does not outweigh the potential of anthocyanins to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and improve insulin resistance. However, it is important for anyone considering dietary changes to consult their doctor before implementing anything new.

2. Melatonin to Promote Better Sleep

Can Cherry Benefits Extend to Other Major Health Concerns Like Gout?

Cherries contain melatonin, which means that eating them or drinking cherry juice can potentially help people achieve a higher quality of sleep. Melatonin is known for helping humans regulate their sleep-wake cycle.

One study revealed that 20 individuals who drank cherry juice for seven days exhibited higher melatonin levels than another group who received a placebo. In addition to melatonin levels, these individuals also exhibited better sleep quality and longer sleep duration.

Similarly, another study found that adults who drank one cup of cherry juice before they went to sleep extended their sleep time by an average of 84 minutes. While these results are undoubtedly promising, it should be noted that they utilized concentrated cherry products rather than the fruit itself. This is why more research is necessary.

3. Potassium for Boosting Heart Health

Cherries could potentially improve heart health by reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels. That’s because cherries contain polyphenol antioxidants, potassium, and other nutrients thought to boost heart health. Studies have shown that potassium has the potential to regulate blood pressure by reducing sodium levels.

Research has shown that individuals who maintain diets high in potassium are at a decreased risk of a heart attack or stroke. Combine this with the fact that cherries contain polyphenol antioxidants, which help fight against inflammation and cellular damage, and it’s easy to see how they could make for a healthier heart.

4. Fiber for Gut Health

Gut health is directly impacted by microbiomes, tiny bacteria and microbes that live in the intestinal tracts of human beings. When the gut microbiome is healthy, it can potentially prevent disease and boost immunity.

If there’s one thing microbiomes love, it’s fiber and plant compounds, which is great news for cherry lovers. That’s because cherries contain polyphenols, which are thought to stimulate the growth of benevolent gut bacteria.

Several studies have shown a positive correlation between a healthy gut and a diet rich in cherries. However, due to the complexity of the human gut, more research is needed before definitive conclusions can be drawn.

5. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Cherries are thought to aid in bodily recovery due to their high number of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. This is good news for those who exercise frequently, as cherry benefits extend to inflammation, muscle pain, and muscle damage. These properties are thought to apply more to tart cherries than their sweet counterparts.

Cherries have also been purported to help with overall stamina while exercising. However, many of the studies that led to these theories were conducted using trained athletes. More research is needed to determine how tart cherries can benefit non-athletes in this regard.

Another important point is that these studies were conducted using concentrated cherry juice rather than the fruit itself. At the present moment, it is unknown how many cherries one would need to consume to yield similar results.

Can Cherry Benefits Extend to Other Major Health Concerns Like Gout?

Because cherries contain so many beneficial elements, it stands to reason that they could potentially help with a number of other major health concerns. One specific health issue that researchers believe cherries could help with is gout, thanks to their ability to reduce uric acid.

What Is Gout?

Gout is a specific type of arthritis characterized by a sudden and rapid onset of pain and inflammation in the joints. Many people afflicted with this condition treat it with medication, natural health remedies, and changes to their diet.

Gout typically manifests in all of the following areas:

  • Big toe
  • Other toes
  • Feet
  • Heels
  • Knees

Gout can affect other areas in addition to the body parts listed above. However, these instances are not as common.

What Causes a Gout Attack?

Clean Juice is proud to provide some delicious options designed to harness the full power of cherry benefits.

Gout attacks are initiated by an increase of uric acid in the bloodstream. This type of acid is produced when the body digests specific foods and as a byproduct of waste. High levels of uric acid can result in the formation of crystals along the joints, which is what causes inflammation and pain.

When uric acid crystallizes, the body isn’t able to remove it as efficiently as its liquid form. However, changes in diet, particularly to diets rich in anti-inflammatories, have shown promise in some individuals struggling with gout. As noted, cherries contain powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, their ability to reduce uric acid levels makes them a good choice for people wanting to decrease the risk of gout.

Delicious Options for Cherry Benefits

Clean Juice is proud to provide some delicious options designed to harness the full power of cherry benefits. Each of these items is beloved by our customers and contains its own unique presentations, so you can mix and match what you want to order depending on the nutrients you need that day.

And don’t forget that you can add the powerful benefits of cherries to other health products, resulting in a powerful, tasty combination. For example, consuming cherries with foods containing hemp and whey proteins can help with maintaining one’s overall health as well as provide an energy boost after a good workout.

The Chocolate Cherry Smoothie

Our Chocolate Cherry Smoothie contains organic cherries, bananas, and cacao blended into a sea of organic vanilla, organic maple syrup, and organic almond milk. With only 320 calories, this is the perfect drink for an energy boost alongside some cherry benefits. Needing it now? Order now!

Acai Bowls

Clean Juice has a comprehensive selection of acai bowls, with one harnessing the full power of cherry benefits.

Don’t Worry Bowl

Our Don’t Worry Bowl contains all of the following ingredients:

  • Organic acai
  • Organic banana
  • Organic cherries
  • Organic cacao
  • Organic maple syrup
  • Organic coconut oil
  • Organic almond milk
  • Organic chia pudding
  • Organic granola topping
  • Organic cherry topping
  • Organic coconut topping
  • Organic cacao nibs topping
  • Your choice of drizzle

The Don’t Worry Bowl is a great way to mobilize the power of cherry benefits with some additional energizing supplements. The chia pudding can help with digestion, and the cacao nibs can provide an additional boost of energy. Tempted yet? Order now!

Other Ways to Enjoy Cherry Benefits

Cherries are easy to integrate into just about anything. These versatile fruits pair well with many foods, and given that they come in sweet and tart varieties, they can be expertly incorporated into various recipes.

If you are looking for some ways to add cherries to your diet, try any of the following:

  • Eat raw, fresh cherries
  • Cut a few cherries in half, pit them, and include them in a salad
  • Dry the cherries and put them in trail mix
  • Add tart cherry juice to sparkling water for some extra flavor and an energy boost
  • Make a smoothie using frozen cherries
  • Dry the cherries and bake them in your favorite bread

These are only a few of the array of options cherries provide. Feel free to experiment and discover what works best for your palate.

Ready to Harness the Full Power of Cherries? Contact Clean Juice today

If you are ready to see what cherries might be able to do for your daily routine, or if you are looking for a place to get some delicious cherry-centric snacks, contact Clean Juice today. In addition to two delicious cherry-imbued items, we have a comprehensive selection of some of the healthiest foods around.

Whether your goal is to get in shape, maintain your health, or both, the best way to start is by eating a healthy diet. At Clean Juice, we understand what is required to yield those results. Contact us today or stop by one of our locations for more information.


Disclaimer: The information presented here is for educational purposes only and is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. Consult your doctor before using any health treatment, including natural remedies, and tell your doctor if you have a serious medical condition or are taking any medications.

If you’re unsure whether cherries would be a healthy addition to your wellness routine, ask your doctor if any of your health details might make cherries unsafe for you.