Choosing the Perfect Protein: Hemp or Whey Protein Powder

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Choosing the Perfect Protein: Hemp or Whey Protein Powder

Read more about whey protein powder

Everyone knows that a well-rounded diet is essential to maintaining healthy levels. Diet, as it has been mentioned many a times, is often even more important than exercise. Ever heard someone say, “Abs are made in the kitchen?” 

For a diet to be truly balanced, you have to be intaking the right number of servings of a whole host of items– from dairy, to grains, to vegetables, to protein.  (Remember that food pyramid from the 5th grade?) They are all vital but protein maybe more so than any other. It’s responsible for repairing and building tissues, regulating metabolism, and supporting the immune system.

While protein is readily available in many foods like meat, eggs, and nuts, some people may struggle to meet their protein needs through diet alone, especially so if you follow a plant-based diet. That’s where protein supplements enter the chat, providing a convenient and efficient way to increase protein intake. It’s a great alternative to someone who can’t intake protein in the traditional way.

In this in-depth blog, we’ll introduce you to the two main types of protein supplements – hemp and whey protein powder – and highlight what sets them apart from one another and which may be the best opton for you.


Table of contents:

The Health Benefits of Protein Powder

Whey protein powder can be a great addition to your diet.

This versatile supplement, whether hemp or whey, is a top-rated choice among fitness enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals, and for good reason. Not only does protein powder support muscle building and repair, but it also offers a host of other health benefits. Not sure if anyone is on the “gym rat” side of TikTok, but you’ve probably been introduced to some of these benefits before if so.

First up, is muscle health. Protein powder is jam-packed with essential amino acids, which are crucial for muscle growth and repair. Whether you’re a weightlifting pro trying to bulk up or just starting out on your fitness journey and trying to add more weights into the routine, protein powder can help you meet your daily protein needs quickly and efficiently. How? They can easily be combined in shakes or even mixed plainly with water. 

Protein powder can give your immune system a boost too. It contains amino acids, the little molecules that actually form protein, that play a huge role in immune function and can help reduce inflammation in the body. So, whether you’re a busy parent or a weekend warrior, protein powder can help support your overall health. What we are trying to say is that you don’t have to be a serious athlete to benefit from the powders. That’s actually a very common misconception.

Now, let’s talk science. Numerous studies have shown that protein powder can help increase muscle protein synthesis and improve muscle recovery, especially when consumed before and after exercise. For older adults, protein supplementation has been found to increase muscle mass and strength, while individuals with HIV and cancer have seen improvements in immune function.

So, whether you’re looking to build muscle, manage your weight, or support your immune system, protein powder is a great addition to your diet. Just remember to choose a high-quality protein powder and consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement. Ordering off Amazon may not be your best bet in this situation. You want to make sure the protein is coming from a reliable source and is top-rated.

Hemp and whey protein powder have several difference

Discovering Hemp Protein

We’ve chatted about the overall benefits of protein powder in general and the importance of choosing a high-quality supplement. Now, let’s take a closer look at one plant-based option. What actually is it and what is it made of? Hemp protein is made from hemp seed meal that has had the oil extracted. A lot of folks take a step back when they hear the word “hemp” because they associate with marijuana. They do come from the same plant but hemp is completely safe, completely legal, completely good for you.

It has a slightly nutty taste and can be consumed on it’s own (although it wouldn’t be our first choice) but it best in smoothies or juices or shakes. And because it is plant-based it is truly awesome alternative for vegetarians or vegans!)

Time to get into the “science-y” aspect of hemp. Let’s talk what makes it great!

  1. It is rife with nutrients: Hemp protein powder is an awesome source of essential nutrients, including fiber, iron, magnesium, zinc, and potassium. It also contains nine essential amino acids (out of the 22 amino acids needed to function properly), making it a complete protein source. 
  2. Promotes muscle growth and repair: Hemp protein powder contains a high amount of the amino acid arginine, which is essential for muscle growth and repair. We could go into the specific of arginine but just it is very important and hemp has it. It can also help to improve exercise performance and endurance so you can run on that treadmill just a bit longer and burn off even more calories. 
  3. Supports heart health: Your heart is so important–this should be obvious. Hemp protein powder contains essential fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6, which are beneficial for heart health and to keep that blood pumping and people breathing! These fatty acids can help to reduce inflammation and lower the risk of heart disease, a disease that seems to be ramping up in prevalence in both men and women these days.
  4. Helps to regulate digestion: Hemp protein powder is high in fiber, which can help to regulate digestion and promote regular bowel movements. It can also help to reduce the risk of constipation and other digestive issues. This seems like a minor benefit but with the amount of people that actually struggle with digestive issues, it can be a lifesaver.

Why Hemp Protein Powder Should be a Staple in Every Vegan’s Pantry

If you are choosing to live a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, whether by choice or not, it can really be tough to find enough food options that have enough protein. Not only do you need protein, but you need EVEN more to make up for the lack that you are getting. Hemp protein powder would be a great waste to solve that problem. As a bonus, it’s also good for those with dairy allergies. An inclusive protein source that we can all enjoy! Although it has slightly less protein than whey, which we will get into later, it contains a bunch more nutrients that won’t be available in whey.

Plus, because it’s just a powder, it can be easily incorporated into your meals and snacks. You can add hemp protein powder to a variety of recipes, from smoothies (hopefully one of ours!) to energy balls and baked goods. Its nutty, relatively bland flavor pairs well with other ingredients, making it a tasty and healthy add-on to any meal or mid-day snack.

You can add whey protein powder to smoothies

Whey Protein Powder: Fuel Your Fitness

If you’re interested in the benefits of plant-based proteins, hemp protein is a great choice. But if you’re looking for a complete protein that’s rapidly absorbed by the body, and works quickly, whey protein powder will be come your new best friend. But just know, whey protein is made with milk, the biggest difference between the two.

Whey protein powder is a great way to enhance your workouts and build lean muscle. Derived from milk, whey protein is a complete protein containing all nine essential amino acids crucial for muscle growth and repair. It has a high biological value, meaning it’s rapidly absorbed and utilized by the body, making it a game-changer for muscle recovery and growth.

But it’s not just about the gains (insert muscle emoji here!) – whey protein powder has many benefits, including a smoother texture than hemp protein. Here are some additional reasons why you may want to consider adding whey protein powder to your diet:

  1. Promotes weight loss: Whey protein powder can help you feel full and satisfied, reducing your appetite and overall food intake. This can lead to weight loss which so many people are after.
  2. Lowers blood pressure: Some studies suggest that whey protein powder may have a blood pressure-lowering effect, making it beneficial for individuals with hypertension.
  3. Helps to reduce inflammation: Whey protein powder contains bioactive peptides that have anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of whey protein powder may help to reduce inflammation in the body, which can contribute to various health problems.
  4. May improve cardiovascular health: Some studies suggest that whey protein powder may help to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Plus, whey protein powder is widely available and relatively inexpensive, making it an easy choice for those looking to add more protein to their diet.

Nutritional Value: Comparing Hemp and Whey Protein

So, how do these two types of proteins compare in terms of nutritional value? Is one definitively better than the other? While both are excellent sources of protein, hemp protein excels in fiber and healthy fat content, making it ideal for vegans and those with dairy allergies. On the other hand, whey protein boasts a high concentration of leucine and other essential amino acids, making it a top choice for muscle growth and recovery. Which you choose depends on who you are on the day-to-day and what your main goals are choosing protein powder in the first place.

Hemp or whey protein, the choice is yours. Just keep in mind that both have their unique nutritional benefits and it really depends on your lifestyle which makes more sense for.  It doesn’t have to be an either/or situation, as well. It would be perfectly fine to Incorporate both into your diet if you didn’t have anything restricting you. Perhaps you find one that you just like better because of taste or where you can buy it or its price.

Fuel your workout with whey protein

Health Considerations

While hemp and whey protein powders are generally considered safe and well-tolerated by most people, some potential health concerns should be taken into account.

One of the main concerns with hemp protein is its potential to cause allergic reactions, particularly in individuals with a sensitivity to cannabis or other plant-based proteins. Additionally, some people may experience digestive issues such as bloating, gas, or stomach discomfort after consuming hemp protein due to its high fiber content. Another potential concern with hemp protein is the risk of heavy metal contamination, as hemp plants can absorb toxins from the soil.

Whey protein, on the other hand, is a common allergen for people with dairy allergies or lactose intolerance. Additionally, some people may experience digestive issues such as bloating, gas, or diarrhea after consuming whey protein. Like hemp protein, whey protein may also be contaminated with heavy metals, particularly if it is sourced from low-quality or untested manufacturers.

To choose a high-quality protein powder that is safe and effective, look for products that are third-party tested for purity and quality. This means that an independent laboratory has verified that the product is free from contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides, and bacteria. Additionally, look for protein powders that are made from high-quality, organic ingredients and do not contain artificial sweeteners, colors, or flavors.

When incorporating protein powder into your diet, it’s important to remember that supplements should not be used as a substitute for a healthy and balanced diet. Aim to get most of your protein from whole foods such as lean meats, fish, eggs, nuts, and beans. If you do use protein powder, consider adding it to smoothies, oatmeal, or yogurt for a convenient and nutritious boost.

It’s also important to avoid overconsumption or dependence on protein supplements, as excessive intake can strain the kidneys and lead to other health issues. The general recommendation for protein intake is around 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day for adults, but this may vary depending on individual needs and activity levels. Consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to determine the appropriate amount of protein for your specific needs.

Fuel Your Day with Clean Juice’s Protein Smoothie Blends

Both hemp and whey protein powders offer fantastic benefits that can boost your overall health and wellness. Hemp protein powder is an adaptable and sustainable plant-based option that provides an abundance of nutrients and antioxidants, while whey protein powder is a complete protein source that supports muscle growth and repair.

One great way to incorporate these protein powders into your diet is by adding them to your smoothies. At Clean Juice, we offer a wide range of delicious and nutritious smoothies, 7 different types in fact, that are made with the freshest ingredients like strawberries, spinach, banana, and tons more. These can be customized to include your preferred protein powder. Just ask your juicerista.

By adding hemp or whey protein powder to your Clean Juice smoothie, you’re not only fueling your body with the essential nutrients it needs, but you’re also supporting a healthier lifestyle. So next time you’re in the mood for a delicious smoothie, consider adding some protein powder for an extra boost of nutrition. Your body will thank you! Trust us!



Disclaimer: The information presented here is for educational purposes only and is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. Consult your doctor before using any health treatment, including natural remedies, and tell your doctor if you have a serious medical condition or are taking any medications.

If you’re unsure whether protein powder would be a healthy addition to your wellness routine, ask your doctor if any of your health details might make hemp and/or whey protein unsafe for you.