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Join us as we talk with Elissa Goodman about her battle with cancer, Hashimoto’s, and celiac and the unique ways she fought against the world that turns to medicine first and food second. We hear all about her journey to the Rancho La Puerta wellness oasis, her unique cleanse she offers in the L.A. area, and how important it is to prioritize rest. 

Elissa studied at American University of Complementary Medicine in Los Angeles and became a Certified Holistic Nutritionist. Years later, she has worked with people from every walk of life to help them cleanse their bodies and their lives, and has now helped thousands of clients manage various health issues through diet, lifestyle and emotional methodologies. 

4:43 Elissa’s healing journey
11:00 Rancho La Puerta & how it shaped Elissa’s outlook on life
12:55 Health & wellness is more than skin deep
16:00 Over stimulation & prioritizing rest
24:50 Advice for people with Hashimoto’s
30:22 S.O.U.P explained