Wheatgrass: The Ingredient You Must Try in 2023

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Wheatgrass: The Ingredient You Must Try in 2023


As someone who is concerned with health and wellness, you’re likely always on the lookout for new health foods to incorporate into your daily routine.

While there are so many facets of overall health, including exercise and stress levels, the food you eat each day plays a major role in your energy levels, the functionality of your internal systems, and your general sense of well-being in your day-to-day life. 

Wheatgrass is a popular health food that has been around for many years. If you’ve never had it or aren’t sure how to include it in your typical routine, there’s never been a better time to try. Take a closer look at what wheatgrass is and why you should consider making this superfood a regular part of your diet.

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What Is Wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass is not the same as wheat, the grain used to make bread and other food items. Though it is essentially the wheat plant in its earliest form, the two items have very different looks, textures, and uses, making them categorically different from one another. 

This also means that, unlike fully matured wheat and wheat products, wheatgrass is gluten-free and safe for those with gluten intolerances. 

Wheatgrass looks and feels very similar to the green grass that grows in your backyard, but structurally and nutritionally the two couldn’t be more different. 

Wheatgrass is a wheat plant harvested at an extremely early stage when the plant’s phytonutrients are the most robust. It is therefore very dense in nutrients and can offer many health benefits.

A Brief History of Wheatgrass


Wheatgrass can be traced back as far as ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia more than 5,000 years ago, when members of these civilizations discovered the health effects that could be experienced by consuming wheat crops before they reached maturity. 

The wheatgrass we know today was popularized by multiple studies in the 1930s and 1940s concerning its medicinal effects. Though it shouldn’t be used to replace any medical treatment, the health benefits that were reported decades ago have sustained the superfood’s popularity well into the present day. 

Are the claimed wheatgrass benefits truly worth all the hype? Though its health effects can’t be denied, a big part of the reason it maintains its popularity is how many forms this superfood can be found in. 

A few quick tips will help you learn what it’s like to consume wheatgrass and how you can easily include it in your daily routine.

All About Wheatgrass: Taste, Texture, and How to Eat It

Though wheatgrass and typical lawn grass aren’t the same plant, they do have a similar taste and texture. However, wheatgrass is almost never eaten in its full form. The most common way to consume it is as a juice — combining blended wheatgrass with water to create a smooth drinking experience. 

Wheatgrass doesn’t have a sweet flavor, which means its juice is often consumed as a quick shot or combined with more palatable juices. It can also be ground into a powder and sold individually or in combination with other health powders like spirulina and ginger for added benefits. 

If you don’t like the taste of wheatgrass but still want to reap all of the best benefits for health, you can consume this superfood as a tablet or capsule. 

Though some experts claim that fresh wheatgrass is the superior form, the science behind this is still developing, and you’ll likely experience many of the same health effects with regular consumption no matter how you choose to take it.

Tips for Consuming Wheatgrass Juice

Though the benefits are many, the potent taste and smell of wheatgrass juice can cause nausea in some cases. If you have a sensitive stomach, drink only small amounts of it at a time to prevent indigestion. 

The juice tends to settle best in the stomach before you’ve eaten or along with other light foods like fruits and vegetables. Avoid drinking the juice on a full stomach, as it can cause nausea. 

Remember that wheatgrass juice is very low in calories and should not be used as a meal replacement, but as a supplement to an otherwise varied and nutritious diet.

Best Superfoods to Pair with Wheatgrass

Looking to add wheatgrass to the roster of superfoods within your diet? Luckily, there are so many easy and delicious ways to pair it with other foods to multiply the health benefits and create an enjoyable eating or drinking experience. 

Wheatgrass juice pairs well with other common health food juices like celery juice and beet juice, which each offer a long list of health benefits. If you prefer to take it as a capsule or tablet, you can pair it with other supplement forms of superfoods like ginger or even maca root. 

Additionally, the juice can be blended into any smoothie or protein shake to increase the nutritional value without significantly affecting the taste!

Top Wheatgrass Benefits for Health

Now that you understand what it’s like to consume wheatgrass and some of the best ways to do so, it’s time to dive deeper into the specific benefits when it comes to your health and wellness. 

Though the scientific research surrounding wheatgrass is still ongoing, many studies suggest that including it regularly in your diet could have a variety of health benefits. Also, there are virtually no downsides to consuming it as long as you don’t have an allergy or sensitivity.

Great Source of Fiber

Wheatgrass is an excellent source of fiber, an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in the digestive process. One single tablespoon of it contains a whopping 14% of your daily fiber intake, which can help to keep your digestion moving properly and prevent bloating. 

This superfood also contains high levels of B vitamins, which help to extract energy from food and keep the digestive system functioning well.

Helps to Stabilize Blood Sugar

wheatgrass benefits

Regular consumption of wheatgrass can help to lower your body’s glucose sensitivity. This means that if you consistently experience large blood sugar swings, wheatgrass may be able to help keep your blood sugar at a consistent level throughout the day. This can prevent multiple unwanted symptoms, including nausea, fainting, and low energy.

Cleanses the Liver

The liver’s primary purpose is to rid your body of toxins, but the organ itself can develop significant toxin buildup over time. Wheatgrass can help to reduce the amount of toxin buildup in your liver so it can keep functioning well. In fact, it has been shown to protect the liver from alcohol damage as well as oxidative stress.

Additionally, high blood sugar levels can damage the liver, and since wheatgrass has been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels, it could potentially reduce the risk of liver damage.

Treats Wounds

Wheatgrass can be used topically to treat wounds due to its potential anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

To use wheatgrass topically for wound healing, fresh wheatgrass juice or a wheatgrass powder can be mixed with water to create a paste or applied directly to the affected area. The paste or juice should be applied to the wound and covered with a sterile bandage or gauze. The dressing should be changed daily or as recommended by a healthcare professional.

In addition, wheatgrass has been shown to have antibacterial properties, which may help prevent infection and promote healing.

Supports Healthy Hair

Wheatgrass is packed with antioxidants, which are powerful agents that fight free radicals. Antioxidants occur naturally in the body, but can also be supported by your diet. 

Though antioxidants serve many different functions, wheatgrass in particular has been known to slow down the effects of hair graying, possibly due to the high levels of chlorophyll found within it. Additionally, applying wheatgrass externally to your hair and scalp may even be effective for reducing dandruff and making your hair shinier!

Boosts Immune System

A strong immune system helps to prevent all kinds of diseases, from the common cold to serious infections. Wheatgrass helps to strengthen the immune system by increasing the number of red blood cells in the body. 

This finding comes from an Indian Pediatrics study in 2004 that showed an increase in red blood cells so significant in pediatric patients after regular wheatgrass supplements that the patients needed fewer blood transfusions to treat their conditions. 

Adding more wheatgrass into your diet could help to keep you healthy throughout the year, but especially during cold and flu season.

Great Source of Vitamins

One of the secrets to better overall health is a varied diet full of all the necessary macronutrients, including a wide array of vitamins and minerals. 

Wheatgrass isn’t just a great source of antioxidants — it’s also packed with vitality-boosting vitamins A, C, and E, which support a strong immune system, good vision, brain health, and glowing skin.

Supports Thyroid Function

In addition to its high vitamin content, wheatgrass is also an abundant source of selenium, a health-boosting mineral. Specifically, selenium helps to improve the functionality of the thyroid gland. This can have specific applications toward weight stabilization or even weight loss.

Wheatgrass is also high in iodine, a mineral that is essential for thyroid function. Iodine is a key component of thyroid hormones, and a deficiency can lead to hypothyroidism or an underactive thyroid.

Additionally, wheatgrass is a good source of chlorophyll, a natural detoxifier that can help remove toxins and heavy metals from the body. Heavy metal toxicity has been linked to thyroid dysfunction, so detoxifying the body with chlorophyll-rich foods like wheatgrass may help support thyroid health.

Boosts Heart Health

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in American adults, so taking care of your heart should be one of your highest priorities. A significant contributor to heart disease is high cholesterol, and regular consumption of wheatgrass can help to lower cholesterol levels and keep your circulatory system functioning properly.

Helps to Reduce Acne

One of the most abundant substances in wheatgrass is chlorophyll, which is also found in leafy greens and other plants. Chlorophyll is what gives greens their color. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce the appearance of acne and other blemishes, including burns.

In addition, wheatgrass is rich in vitamins A, C, and E, which are essential for maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin A, in particular, is known for its ability to reduce the production of sebum, the oily substance that can clog pores and lead to acne.

Relieves Arthritis Pain

Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of chlorophyll in wheatgrass, consuming this superfood may have significant benefits for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (RA). 

Much of the joint pain that arthritis patients suffer is due to inflammation in the joints, and the high amount of chlorophyll found in every serving of wheatgrass can be a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, helping to reduce the symptoms experienced by RA patients.

Possible Side Effects of Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is considered safe for the general public to consume, and even those who avoid wheat products, such as people with celiac disease, are safe to consume it. 

Gluten is found in the wheat kernel’s seeds once the wheat plant is fully grown, but wheatgrass is harvested before these seeds have a chance to grow, making it a gluten-free product. 

Due to its potent grassy taste and its high fiber content, wheatgrass can cause nausea or gastrointestinal issues in some people, whether it’s consumed in juice, powder, or capsule form. These issues can be mitigated by taking the superfood on an empty stomach or with a light meal as opposed to during or directly after a heavy meal. 

If nausea and other stomach issues persist, consult with your doctor about what might be causing your specific issue. You may have an allergy to wheatgrass that could make its consumption unsafe for you.

Where to Find Wheatgrass Near You

Wheatgrass isn’t typically sold in its whole form. Generally, those looking for it will purchase the superfood as a juice, in powdered form, or as a capsule supplement. 

Wheatgrass products are available in most specialty health food stores as well as online. Depending on your location, they may not be available in standard grocery stores. 

Do you want to enjoy wheatgrass on a regular basis while saving money in the process? You can grow your own plant with ease at home! These plants can thrive in a pot in your kitchen, living room, or wherever you’d like, and you can harvest fresh wheatgrass regularly to support your health. 

If you choose to grow your own, we recommend investing in a high-quality juicer to make wheatgrass shots or even combine wheatgrass with other health-boosting superfoods in a delicious juice or smoothie.

Enhance Your Wellness Routine with Wheatgrass Shots from Clean Juice

Maintaining a healthy diet doesn’t have to be difficult or inconvenient. With Clean Juice, you can order delicious juices, acai bowls, smoothie bowls, sandwiches, and more right to your door on your own timeline. 

Find pure USDA-certified organic cold-pressed wheatgrass in our powerful wellness shot! Grab some out of the cooler, and stock up for your morning routine. Boost your health the delicious way today with Clean Juice! Order now or contact us to learn more.


Disclaimer: The information presented here is for educational purposes only and is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. Consult your doctor before using any health treatment, including natural remedies, and tell your doctor if you have a serious medical condition or are taking any medications. 

If you’re unsure whether wheatgrass would be a healthy addition to your wellness routine, ask your doctor if any of your health details might make wheatgrass unsafe for you.